body parts Crossword Puzzles
Body parts 2017-03-22
28 Clues: зуб • нос • щека • зубы • глаз • пупок • плечо • пятка • мозги • бровь • ладонь • ноздря • локоть • легкие • колено • ступни • ступня • ноготь • ресница • морщина • веснушка • запястье • щиколотка • кисть руки • палец на руке • большой палец • палец на ноге • рука от плеча до кисти
Body Parts 2017-05-25
21 Clues: Hip • Arm • Eye • Neck • Calf • Palm • Heel • Thumb • Thigh • Groin • Ankle • Mouth • Armpit • Forearm • Big Toe • Forehead • Shoulder • Front of Knee • Front of Elbow • Hallow Behind Knee • Nape (back of neck)
Body parts 2018-10-03
25 Clues: ухо • лоб • рот • нос • шея • зубы • глаз • щека • рука • нога • губы • живот • плечо • кисть • спина • бровь • ступня • локоть • голова • колено • волосы • ресницы • подбородок • палец на руке • палец на ноге
Body Parts 2013-02-04
22 Clues: nas • gură • mână • faţă • feţe • guri • cozi • braţ • dinţi • dinte • braţe • mâini • coadă • nasuri • urechi • picior • ureche • picioare • laba piciorului • ochi (doar unul) • ochi (mai mulţi) • labele picioarelor
Body Parts 2012-12-09
- below your waist
- what you sit on
- what you raise when you want to speak in class
- above your waist
- above your eyes
- what you put on the table when you are thinking
- between your arm and your hand
- between your leg and your foot
- what you hear with
- there are five of them on your hands
- there are five of them on your feet
- under your mouth
- the part of your hand that a fortune-teller reads
- where people sometimes put a sign that says "Kick me."
- between your ear and your nose
- on top of your neck
- what you shrug when you don't know something
- between your knee and your ankle
- above your hips
- the back of your foot
- muscle you need for skiing
- connects your foot to your body
- what you bend in order to walk
- where you get shots
- muscle you need for ice-skating
25 Clues: what you sit on • above your eyes • above your hips • below your waist • above your waist • under your mouth • what you hear with • on top of your neck • where you get shots • the back of your foot • muscle you need for skiing • between your ear and your nose • between your arm and your hand • between your leg and your foot • what you bend in order to walk • connects your foot to your body • ...
Body Parts 2013-05-27
31 Clues: Pé • Mão • Boca • Olho • Rosto • Peito • Ombro • Lábio • Perna • Testa • Nariz • Dente • Braço • Orelha • Queixo • Costas • Joelho • Bumbum • Língua • Cabelo • Cabeça • Pescoço • Barriga • Cintura • Cotovelo • Bochecha • Tornozelo • Calcanhar • Dedo do pé • Dedo da mão • Sobrancelha
body parts 2013-12-03
30 Clues: nos • ząb • brwi • ręka • usta • wąsy • oczy • zęby • ogon • uszy • noga • plecy • głowa • rzęsy • twarz • szyja • stopa • stopy • futro • włosy • ramię • kolano • brzuch • łokieć • blizna • policzek • paznokieć • palec_u_nogi • palec_u_ręki • broda/zarost
Body Parts 2014-05-21
Body Parts 2014-05-15
Body Parts 2015-09-07
- Used for touching things
- connects the head to the body.
- part of the body that's on top of your neck
- The little hole in in the center of a person's belly
- from the waist to the top of the leg.
- above the thigh on either side of the body
- is used for digesting food.
- Sometimes called bottom or behind.
- is between the forearm and the upper arm
- muscle at the back of the lower leg
- Is between the wrist and elbow.
- connects the lower and upper leg.
- where the bottom of the foot curves.
- is the back part of the foot below the ankle.
- on each side of the head and used for hearing.
- grown on top of the head.
- is just above the hips
- part of the leg between the hip and the knee
- The padded portion foot between the toes and the arch
- connects the to arm and to the base of the neck
- is the below the neck and above the stomach.
- front of the leg below the knee
- is rear surface of the body from the shoulders to the hips.
- the lower part of the leg below the ankle
- connects the foot to the leg
25 Clues: is just above the hips • Used for touching things • grown on top of the head. • is used for digesting food. • connects the foot to the leg • connects the head to the body. • front of the leg below the knee • Is between the wrist and elbow. • connects the lower and upper leg. • Sometimes called bottom or behind. • muscle at the back of the lower leg • ...
Body Parts 2015-09-07
- part of the body that's on top of your neck
- ___ pit (joint where the arm connects to the shoulder)
- Part of the body just above hips.
- The little hole in in the center of a person's belly
- the lower part of the leg below the ankle
- Sometimes called bottom or behind.
- is the back part of the foot below the ankle.
- Is between the wrist and elbow.
- part of the leg between the hip and the knee
- the organ in your body that cleans your blood and produces bile a liquid that helps your body process fat
- from the waist to the top of the leg.
- one of the two organs in your body that clean your blood and remove waste
- one of the two organs in your chest that fill with air when you breathe
- connects the head to the body.
- the part of your face above your mouth that you use for smelling and breathing.
- is between the forearm and the upper arm
- where the bottom of the foot curves.
- is just above the hips
- muscle at the back of the lower leg
- is used for digesting food.
- connects the foot to the leg
- the inside part of your hand, between your fingers and your wrist
- one of the hard white objects inside your mouth that you use for biting and for chewing food
- connects the to arm and to the base of the neck
- above the thigh on either side of the body
- grown on top of the head.
- is the below the neck and above the stomach.
- on each side of the head and used for hearing.
- The padded portion foot between the toes and the arch
- front of the leg below the knee
- connects the lower and upper leg.
- is rear surface of the body from the shoulders to the hips.
32 Clues: is just above the hips • grown on top of the head. • is used for digesting food. • connects the foot to the leg • connects the head to the body. • Is between the wrist and elbow. • front of the leg below the knee • Part of the body just above hips. • connects the lower and upper leg. • Sometimes called bottom or behind. • muscle at the back of the lower leg • ...
Body parts 2021-11-18
- You stand on these.
- These are used to touch. They are part of the hands.
- This is used to support the head.
- The _______ are on the outer part of the mouth. You use them to kiss.
- This part of your mouth tastes things.
- You use these to chew.
- Your upper limbs. They can be used to carry things or to hug people.
- These are used to grab or hold onto things.
- This is used to smell things.
- This grows from the top of your head. You can wear it in different styles.
- Your upper torso, between your armpits.
- These joints connect your arms to the rest of your body.
- These are used to see.
- Opposite of your front side.
- The largest organ of your body. It covers your bones and muscles.
- these joints are used when you bend your legs.
- These are used to move the body around. Runners have very strong _____.
- Also referred to as your belly. It's where food goes after you swallow.
- The lowest part of your face.
- These are used for balance. They are part of the feet.
- This part of the body contains the brain, eyes, ears, nose, and mouth.
- These joints are used when you bend your arms.
- The part of your face where speech comes out and food goes in.
- These are used to hear.
- The front part of your head, from your forehead to your chin.
25 Clues: You stand on these. • These are used to see. • You use these to chew. • These are used to hear. • Opposite of your front side. • The lowest part of your face. • This is used to smell things. • This is used to support the head. • This part of your mouth tastes things. • Your upper torso, between your armpits. • These are used to grab or hold onto things. • ...
Body Parts 2021-11-14
Body parts 2022-04-10
- you have got these at the end of your legs
- it's between the arm and hand
- they are over your eyes
- you have 5 on each hand
- it's inside your neck
- it's between your shoulders and head
- you have got 1 in the middle of your face
- it's in the middle of your leg
- it's between the foot and the leg
- you have these on the side of your body
- you have 2 on the side of your back
- it's in the middle of your arm
- you have these on your mouth
- you have got 2 in your face
- you should these to walk
- you have 5 on each foot
- you use these for biting and chewing
- the flat part of the face above the eyes
- it's the front of the head
- you have 2 at the end of your arms
- it's inside the mouth
- they protect the top of your fingers
- you use these to hear
- it's behind you
- you move this when you speak
- it's on your neck
26 Clues: it's behind you • it's on your neck • it's inside the mouth • it's inside your neck • you use these to hear • you have 5 on each foot • they are over your eyes • you have 5 on each hand • you should these to walk • it's the front of the head • you have got 2 in your face • you have these on your mouth • you move this when you speak • it's between the arm and hand • ...
Body parts 2022-07-13
25 Clues: рот • лоб • вії • шия • вуса • язик • риже • щока • зуби • спина • плече • лисий • талія • живіт • зрачок • ямочка • лікоть • п'ятка • долоня • гомілка • кучеряве • зап'ястя • щиколотка • стегно, ляшка • ніготь на пальці на нозі
Body parts 2022-05-23
- You wear a scarf or a necklace around it
- Finger on your leg
- Part from the shoulder to the hand
- Rama
- Nos
- Trepalnica
- The part between the foot and the leg
- Hrbet
- You use it for eating
- Two are on the forhead above your eyes
- The part at the top of your body
- Koža
- The strongest muscle in your body
- You have two and use them for listening
- Kost
- Trebuh
- You give kisses with them
- You have two and use them for watching
- Noga
- Growing from the head, girls wear it longer
- Komolec
- The part below the elbow
- Koleno
- You have many in your mouth
- Inside your head, you need it for thinking
25 Clues: Nos • Kost • Rama • Noga • Koža • Hrbet • Trebuh • Koleno • Komolec • Trepalnica • Finger on your leg • You use it for eating • The part below the elbow • You give kisses with them • You have many in your mouth • The part at the top of your body • The strongest muscle in your body • Part from the shoulder to the hand • The part between the foot and the leg • You have two and use them for watching • ...
Body Parts 2021-12-24
- The rear surface of the human body from the shoulders to the hips.
- The small projection in which the mammary ducts of female mammals terminate and from which milk can be secreted.
- Five digits at the end of the human foot.
- The internal organ in which the major part of the digestion of food occurs.
- Found in the jaws, and helps breakdown food.
- The joint between the forearm and the upper arm
- A person's armpit.
- The physical structure of a person or an animal, including the bones, flesh, and organs.
- The front surface of a person's or animal's body between the neck and the abdomen.
- Part of the human hand between the bases of the fingers and the wrist.
- The protruding part of the face below the mouth, formed by the apex of the lower jaw.
- The front of the neck, or the space inside the neck down which food and air can go.
- The joint connecting the foot with the leg.
- The lower extremity of the leg below the ankle, on which a person stands or walks
- Five jointed parts attached to either hand
- Enables seeing
- The upper joint of the human arm and the part of the body between this and the neck.
- Enables tasting and licking
- Enables hearing
- The joint between the thigh and the lower leg in humans.
- Grows on a person's head or body
21 Clues: Enables seeing • Enables hearing • A person's armpit. • Enables tasting and licking • Grows on a person's head or body • Five digits at the end of the human foot. • Five jointed parts attached to either hand • The joint connecting the foot with the leg. • Found in the jaws, and helps breakdown food. • The joint between the forearm and the upper arm • ...
Body Parts 2022-02-14
36 Clues: Pie • Pelo • Cara • Codo • Unas • Ojos • Pies • Manos • Nariz • Brazo • Pompi • Oreja • Cejas • Cabeza • Higado • Frente • Lengua • Cuerpo • Pierna • Labios • Cuello • Hombros • Corazon • Dientes • Caderas • Cerebro • Espalda • Rodilla • Mejillas • Barbilla • Pulmones • Garganta • Estomago • Dedo Pulgar • Dedos de los Pies • Columna Vertebral
BODY PARTS 2022-02-13
BODY PARTS 2022-11-19
- The part of your body that is opposite to the front, from your shoulders to your bottom
- The part of the human face which people smell and breathe.
- Either side of the face below the eye.
- The bend or joint of the human arm between upper arm and forearm.
- The organ in your chest that sends the blood around your body
- The large, soft piece of flesh in the mouth that you can move, and is used for tasting, speaking
- The joint (= place where two bones are connected) between the foot and the leg, or the thin part of the leg just above the foot
- Each of the limbs on which a person or animal walks and stands.
- One of a set of hard, bonelike structures in the mouth
- The part of the body at the end of the arm which is used for holding, moving, touching, and feeling things.
- The part of the human body between the neck and upper arm.
- A part of the body between the stomach and the neck, containing the heart and lungs
- The upper limb of the human body, especially the part extending from the shoulder to the wrist.
- The joint of the leg that allows for movement
- The part of the body at the bottom of the leg on which a person or animal stands
- The fleshy muscular back part of the human leg between the knee and ankle.
- The organ inside the head that controls thought, memory, feelings, and activity
- the uppermost part of the body, containing the brain and the eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and jaws.
- The part of a body that connects the head with the body.
- The aggregation of numerous filaments, covering the human head.
- The organ of sight
- One of the two soft parts that form the upper and lower edges of the mouth
- An organ in the body where food is digested
23 Clues: The organ of sight • Either side of the face below the eye. • An organ in the body where food is digested • The joint of the leg that allows for movement • One of a set of hard, bonelike structures in the mouth • The part of a body that connects the head with the body. • The part of the human face which people smell and breathe. • ...
Body Parts 2021-05-03
20 Clues: pie • ceja • codo • boca • brazo • talón • pecho • frente • higado • rodilla • riñones • cerebro • corazón • cintura • traquea • mejilla • barbilla • estomago • pulmones • dedo del pie
Body Parts 2022-10-23
- Smokers risk getting a … cancer
- Barbie’s dimensions are 92-46-84. 46 is ...
- Women put mascara on their …
- Another name for «Oriental» dance
- You wear a bracelet or a watch around it
- Fingers on your feet
- Football player can’t touch the ball with his/her …
- I can hardly speak, a have a soar …
- The singular form of «teeth»
- Don’t try to lift the piano, or you will hurt your …
- Women wear pearls around it
- In Latin dance you need to learn how to move your …
- The red liquid that runs in your veins
- A part of a finger, a joint
- The plural of «calf»
- Is made out of bones
- Gothic people wear black colour on their ..
- Do you prefer men with a … or a moustache?
- If you twerk, you move your …
- The «like» symbol is a … up
- If you eat too much, your … might hurt
- You breathe air in and out through your …
- In KFC: A chicken wing or a chicken..?
- I will never forgive you unless you beg on your …
- Kings/queens wear a crown on it
- If you have short …., you can’t run fast
26 Clues: The plural of «calf» • Is made out of bones • Fingers on your feet • A part of a finger, a joint • The «like» symbol is a … up • Women wear pearls around it • Women put mascara on their … • The singular form of «teeth» • If you twerk, you move your … • Smokers risk getting a … cancer • Kings/queens wear a crown on it • Another name for «Oriental» dance • ...
Body Parts 2020-06-15
- Sometimes these have freckles on them, and they pop out when you smile
- It's a big space above your eyebrows and below your hair
- If this body part gets too dry, you'll likely put some chapstick on
- The two hairy worms above the eyes
- The 10 wiggly things on your hands
- Connects the foot to the leg
- You eat with it and sing with it and talk with it
- The front surface below your neck and above your stomach
- These show if you wear a tank top
- It is below your mouth and connected to your jawline
- Used for hearing, you have two on the side of your head
- Owls can turn this body part 360° around, and we cannot
- You probably can't lick it!
- Some are stronger than others, and it is used to smell
- The little hole in the middle of the belly
- This is the extension body part for your hand
- Slipping some boots on your ____ is a good idea if it's raining
- These usually have to bend if you want to sit on the ground or in a chair
- The ten wiggly piggies on your feet
- This body part contains your palm and knuckles
- It is much easier to sleep if you close these two things on your face
- Thankfully, this body part is the keeper of the brain
22 Clues: You probably can't lick it! • Connects the foot to the leg • These show if you wear a tank top • The two hairy worms above the eyes • The 10 wiggly things on your hands • The ten wiggly piggies on your feet • The little hole in the middle of the belly • This is the extension body part for your hand • This body part contains your palm and knuckles • ...
Body parts 2019-05-11
BODY PARTS 2019-03-20
BODY PARTS 2019-04-15
20 Clues: нос • рот • ухо • шея • нога • глаз • рука • живот • грудь • бровь • плечо • спина • ступня • голова • локоть • колено • волосы • ладонь • палец на руке • пальцы на ногах
Body parts 2019-02-21
29 Clues: Pėda • Ūsai • Akys • Kojos • Burna • Pėdos • Kelis • Kakta • Galva • Nosis • Petys • Lūpos • Ausys • Kūnas • Kulnas • Barzda • Dantys • Veidas • Kaklas • Rankos • Plaukai • Krūtinė • Antakiai • Liežuvis • Plaštaka • Skruostas • Blakstienos • Kojų pirštai • Rankų pirštai
Body Parts 2019-11-04
BODY PARTS 2020-02-02
body parts 2020-10-22
- bone in the neck that holds the tongue
- the back side view of the body
- bones are cube-shaped
- twelve pairs form the walls of the bony thorax
- ragged break occurs when excessive twisting
- is the only bone in the thigh
- is formed by two sets of bones
- pelvis is superior to the true pelvis
- bones of the limbs and girdles that connect to the axial
- bone that forms the forehead
- bone breaks into three or more fragments
- bones of a skeleton are part of a system
- is formed by the fusion of five vertebrae
- broken bone portion pressed inward
- bone is crushed
- bone has holes and allows blood to travel
- bones that do not fit in a categories
- ribs that do not attach to the sternum
- broken one ends are forced into each other
- the last two pairs of false ribs lack the sternal attachments
- (breastbone)is a typical flat bone
- the front view of the body
- bone breaks incompletely happens to kids
- is the most anterior and inferior part of a coxal bone
- bones that are flattened
- bones lie inferior to the parietal bones
- bone is dense and smooth
- bone that a longer and wide
- blood-filled swelling, or bruise
- forming the posterior half of the foot is composed of seven tarsal bones
30 Clues: bone is crushed • bones are cube-shaped • bones that are flattened • bone is dense and smooth • the front view of the body • bone that a longer and wide • bone that forms the forehead • is the only bone in the thigh • the back side view of the body • is formed by two sets of bones • blood-filled swelling, or bruise • broken bone portion pressed inward • ...
Body Parts 2020-04-21
- the sole
- the lip
- the cheek
- the fingers
- the tounge
- the leg
- the wrist
- the nose
- the eyes
- the heart
- the knee
- the palm
- the heel
- the shoulder
- the neck
- the gallbladder
- the kidney
- the pancreas
- the hand
- the toe
- the blood
- the abdomen
- the vein
- the toenail
- the chin
- the buttocks
- the thumb
- the skin
- the throat
- the waist
- the nerve
- the chest
- the lung
- the ears
- the muscle
- the artery
- the eyebrow
- the liver
- the brain
- the bladder
- the teeth
- the intestines
- the thigh
- the hip
- the hair
- the bone
- the skull
- the ankle
- the stomach
- the gums
- the elbow
- the head
- the eyelashes
- the eyelid
- the jaw
- the mouth
- the back
- the calf
- the forehead
- the throat
- the arm
61 Clues: the lip • the leg • the hip • the jaw • the toe • the arm • the sole • the lung • the ears • the nose • the eyes • the knee • the palm • the heel • the hair • the bone • the neck • the gums • the hand • the head • the vein • the back • the chin • the skin • the calf • the cheek • the wrist • the liver • the brain • the heart • the teeth • the thigh • the skull • the ankle • the elbow • the blood • the mouth • the thumb • the waist • the nerve • the chest • the muscle • ...
body parts 2020-04-19
body parts 2020-11-13
- we taste this is
- you can perceive sounds
- main part of human body
- you can see movies
- you can wear accesories like hat
- this covers the body
- it hurts when you don't like food
- where can you wear scarft
- we kiss with this
- you can walk with this
- we smell with this
- where the legs bend
- can be long or short dark or light
- you use them to give a hug
- part of the arm
- you can chow these
- you can catch the objects
- it is located above the eyes
- your hand has five
- we walk of these
20 Clues: part of the arm • we taste this is • we walk of these • we kiss with this • we smell with this • you can chow these • you can see movies • your hand has five • where the legs bend • this covers the body • you can walk with this • you can perceive sounds • main part of human body • you can catch the objects • where can you wear scarft • you use them to give a hug • it is located above the eyes • ...
Body Parts 2023-01-02
Body Parts 2023-05-15
30 Clues: Pie • Ojo • Boca • Codo • Pies • Ceja • Cara • Nariz • labio • Pecho • Oreja • Barba • Talón • Brazo • muñeca • Frente • Mentón • Bigote • Pierna • Cuello • Diente • Cabeza • espalda • Rodilla • Cabello • Mejilla • Pestaña • Tobillo • estómago • Antebrazo
Body parts 2023-02-09
- an organ you think with
- place where the sounds are produced
- the hair that some men allow to grow on their face
- the front of the head, where the eyes, nose, and mouth are
- the part of the body that joins the head to the shoulders
- the middle part of the leg that allows it to bend
- the line of short hairs above each eye in humans
- the part of the body of a person where the arm joins the body
- you have two of them too, but you use them to listen
- white objects in the mouth you use to bite and chew food
- the natural layer that covers a person or animal
- the short, thick finger on the side of your hand
- the part of the face that sticks out above the mouth, through which you breathe and smell
- the part of the body you use to walk with
- it grows on your head and skin
- the red liquid that is sent around the body by the heart, and carries oxygen and important substances to organs and removes waste products
- organs you can train
- fingers on your legs
- the joint between the foot and the leg
- you point with it at someone and it is considered impolite
- you have two of them and use them to see
- the upper front part of the body of humans
- the part of the body at the bottom of the leg on which a person stands
- the soft part of the body of a person or animal that is between the skin and the bones
- the part of your body that carries your bag
- place where two bones are connected
- the part of the body you use hug another person
- an organ in your chest
- an organ in the body where food goes
- the part of the body that is used for holding, moving, touching, and feeling things
- hard parts inside a human that make up its main structure
- the part of a person's face below their mouth
32 Clues: organs you can train • fingers on your legs • an organ in your chest • an organ you think with • it grows on your head and skin • place where the sounds are produced • place where two bones are connected • an organ in the body where food goes • the joint between the foot and the leg • you have two of them and use them to see • the part of the body you use to walk with • ...
Body Parts 2023-02-23
- A body part you use to put shoes on
- A body part kids tend to put in their nose
- other people step on to get rid of pain
- Something you see when you look in the mirror
- Something that is between your head and body
- what you use to swing a bat
- what you swallow food with
- A body part that beats
- something you close when going to sleep
- connected to your arm
- A area girls show a lot with most shirts
- something you wash after using the restroom
- Something a dentist cleans
- what boogers come out of
- something in your mouth you brush besides teeth
- a body part connected to your foot
- what others tend to shrug at other people
- what you chew food with
- what growls in the morning when u wake up
- something a man gets on to propose
20 Clues: connected to your arm • A body part that beats • what you chew food with • what boogers come out of • Something a dentist cleans • what you swallow food with • what you use to swing a bat • a body part connected to your foot • something a man gets on to propose • A body part you use to put shoes on • other people step on to get rid of pain • something you close when going to sleep • ...
Body Parts 2023-01-25
23 Clues: eye • man • ear • knee • hand • head • hair • nose • toes • foot • beard • mouth • teeth • woman • bottom • fingers • stomach • mustache • shoulder • big mouth • long hair • short hair • eye glasses
Body Parts 2023-06-07
- The upper part of the body, containing the brain, eyes, ears, nose, and mouth.
- The digits at the end of the foot.
- The protruding part of the lower face below the mouth.
- The organ in the body where food is digested.
- The lower limbs of the body, used for standing, walking, and running.
- The front part of the head that includes the eyes, nose, mouth, and chin.
- The organs of hearing, located on either side of the head.
- The fleshy, movable parts forming the edge of the mouth.
- The joints between the thighs and the lower legs, allowing for bending and straightening of the legs.
- The muscular organ in the mouth used for tasting, swallowing, and speaking.
- The limbs on either side of the body, extending from the shoulders to the hands.
- The hard structures in the mouth used for biting and chewing food.
- The lower extremities of the legs, used for standing, walking, and running.
- The short, thick finger on the side of the hand, opposite the other fingers.
- The organ on the face used for smelling and breathing.
- The part of the body where the arms are attached, between the neck and the upper arms.
- The body parts at the end of the arms, consisting of the palms and fingers.
- The organs of sight, located on the face.
- The part of the body located on the opposite side of the chest, between the neck and the waist.
- The opening in the face through which food is taken in and words are spoken.
- The slender appendages at the end of the hands, used for gripping and manipulating objects.
- The part of the body that connects the head to the rest of the torso.
22 Clues: The digits at the end of the foot. • The organs of sight, located on the face. • The organ in the body where food is digested. • The protruding part of the lower face below the mouth. • The organ on the face used for smelling and breathing. • The fleshy, movable parts forming the edge of the mouth. • The organs of hearing, located on either side of the head. • ...
Body Parts 2023-06-17
- - One of the digits on the foot
- - Covers the head
- - Opening for eating and speaking
- - Connects the head to the body
- - Joint in the middle of the leg
- - One of the digits on the hand
- - Joint connecting the arm to the body
- - Lower limb
- - Sensory organ for hearing
- - Lower part of the leg used for walking
- - Rear part of the torso
- - Upper limb
- - Upper front part of the torso
- - Joint in the middle of the arm
- - Top part of the body
- - Part of the arm used for gripping
- - Hard structures used for biting and chewing
- - Organ for smelling
- - Surrounds the opening of the mouth
- - Sensory organ for sight
20 Clues: - Upper limb • - Lower limb • - Covers the head • - Organ for smelling • - Top part of the body • - Rear part of the torso • - Sensory organ for sight • - Sensory organ for hearing • - One of the digits on the foot • - Upper front part of the torso • - Connects the head to the body • - One of the digits on the hand • - Joint in the middle of the arm • - Joint in the middle of the leg • ...
BODY PARTS 2022-12-14
Body parts 2023-11-30
- sprinkle in cold weather.
- allows you to bend and straighten the leg.
- part of the body on which we walk.
- papēdis.
- plauksta
- protects the heart and lungs.
- Part of the face responsible for talking, eating, and breathing.
- locītavas.
- ikri
- helps taste the flavors.
- 7,5 m long, organ is in the stomach.
- conducts air to the lungs and food to the stomach.
- artērijas
- responsible for hearing.
- protects eye.
- elkonis.
- pleci
- protective covering on the tip of a finger or toe.
- gurni.
- augšstilbs
- muskulis
- controls thinking, feelings, is in the head.
- piere
- protects brain.
- provides breathing.
- vaigi.
- back bone.
- rādītājpirksts
- aknas
- smaganas
- īkšķis.
- viduklis
- Organ responsible for pumping blood throughout the body.
- located under the mouth.
- sight sphere.
- bean shaped organ.
- vēders
- have nails.
- 20 foot bones.
- uzacis.
- mati
- helps chrew the food.
- connects the foot to the leg.
- facial bones.
- the part of the body that connects to the head.
- provides movement and balance.
- vēnas
- red liquid
- facial feature used for smelling.
- kājas lils
50 Clues: ikri • mati • aknas • vēnas • pleci • piere • vaigi. • vēders • gurni. • īkšķis. • uzacis. • smaganas • viduklis • papēdis. • plauksta • elkonis. • muskulis • artērijas • back bone. • locītavas. • red liquid • kājas lils • augšstilbs • have nails. • sight sphere. • facial bones. • protects eye. • rādītājpirksts • 20 foot bones. • protects brain. • bean shaped organ. • provides breathing. • helps chrew the food. • located under the mouth. • ...
Body Parts 2023-09-17
- It is responsable for your sense of smell.
- Your voice comes out of it when you talk
- You bend them when you squat.
- You can't walk without them.
- Where our brain is.
- It helps you to taste things.
- It growls when we're hungry.
- One of mine has lots of tattoos.
- They help us to write.
- They carry our backpacks
- Some people have a lot of pain in theirs.
- They allow you to see things.
- Where your heart is.
- You put shoes on them.
- You should brush them 3 times a day.
- It is between your head and your shoulders.
- They stay in our feet.
- They love music.
- They grab things
- Some people have long, some people have short, and some people don't have any!
20 Clues: They love music. • They grab things • Where our brain is. • Where your heart is. • You put shoes on them. • They stay in our feet. • They help us to write. • They carry our backpacks • You can't walk without them. • It growls when we're hungry. • They allow you to see things. • You bend them when you squat. • It helps you to taste things. • One of mine has lots of tattoos. • ...
Body Parts 2023-10-10
- The part of your body at the end of your arm with fingers for gripping and grabbing objects .
- The soft tissue in our bodies that helps us move by contracting or relaxing .
- One of the five small digits at the end of each foot. They help with balance and provide support while walking or running .
- An organ in your head used for seeing things around you. You have two eyes which help create depth perception .
- The joint connecting your hand to your arm. It allows movement for activities like writing or playing instruments .
- The long part of your body that extends from the hip to the foot. You use it for walking, running, and jumping .
- The upper part of your body that contains your brain, eyes, nose, and mouth. It's where you think and feel things .
- The lower part of your leg that you stand on. It helps you balance and walk or run on different surfaces .
- The long part of your body that extends from the shoulder to the hand. You use it to reach and hold things .
- The narrow part connecting the head with the rest of the body. It allows movement for turning or nodding .
- The front area between your neck and abdomen. It protects important organs like the heart and lungs .
- A facial feature above the mouth used for smelling odors and breathing air into our bodies .
- The rear side of your body opposite to the chest. It supports you when sitting or standing upright .
- The part of your body between your neck and upper arm. You use it to carry bags or raise your hand .
- The joint in the middle of your leg that allows it to bend. You use it for activities like walking, running, and jumping .
- The opening in our face with lips where we eat food, talk, taste flavors, and smile .
- A sensory organ on each side of your head used for hearing sounds around you .
- The joint between the upper and lower parts of your arm. It allows you to bend and straighten your arm .
- The joint connecting your foot to your leg. It helps you move your foot up and down or side to side .
- The organ in your body where food is digested. It's located in the middle area below the chest .
20 Clues: The soft tissue in our bodies that helps us move by contracting or relaxing . • A sensory organ on each side of your head used for hearing sounds around you . • The opening in our face with lips where we eat food, talk, taste flavors, and smile . • A facial feature above the mouth used for smelling odors and breathing air into our bodies . • ...
BODY PARTS 2023-10-29
Body Parts 2024-01-25
- Se usa para comer
- Está debajo de labios
- The head sits on it
- Está en la boca
- Se usa para hablar
- It is next to the nose
- It connects the arms to the body
- The pants hold on to it
- Se usa para escuchar
- Se usa para oler
- It is above the eyebrows
- Está encima de el cuello
- Está encima de los ojos
- Se usa para ver
- Es debajo de nariz
- It is used to hold things
- It connects the hand and arm
- The hand is attached to it
- It is in the head
- It is on the eyelids
20 Clues: Se usa para ver • Está en la boca • Se usa para oler • Se usa para comer • It is in the head • Es debajo de nariz • Se usa para hablar • The head sits on it • It is on the eyelids • Se usa para escuchar • Está debajo de labios • It is next to the nose • Está encima de los ojos • The pants hold on to it • It is above the eyebrows • Está encima de el cuello • It is used to hold things • ...
Body Parts 2024-01-25
- The hand is attached to it
- Es debajo de nariz
- Está en la boca
- It connects the arms to the body
- It connects the hand and arm
- The pants hold on to it
- It is in the middle of the leg
- Se usa para oler
- Se usa para comer
- It is in the head
- It is on the eyelids
- Está encima de el cuello
- Está debajo de labios
- Se usa para escuchar
- The head sits on it
- It is above the eyebrows
- Se usa para hablar
- Se usa para ver
- It is next to the nose
- It is used to hold things
- Está encima de los ojos
21 Clues: Está en la boca • Se usa para ver • Se usa para oler • Se usa para comer • It is in the head • Es debajo de nariz • Se usa para hablar • The head sits on it • Se usa para escuchar • It is on the eyelids • Está debajo de labios • It is next to the nose • The pants hold on to it • Está encima de los ojos • Está encima de el cuello • It is above the eyebrows • It is used to hold things • ...
Body parts 2024-02-02
21 Clues: pää • otsa • käsi • maha • sormi • rinta • leuka • kynsi • polvi • selkä • jalka • poski • ranne • peppu • varvas • nilkka • olkapää • käsivarsi • kyynärpää • jalkaterä • kaula, niska
BODY PARTS 2024-04-29
body parts 2024-04-24
- Bald means you don't have any
- Sensitive when things get loud
- Use it to think
- Joint in your arm
- Between arm and chest
- Also a young cow
- You have 2 on your face
- Walk on these
- Run with it
- Wave
- Mascara
- Tasty
- Attached to your foot
- A giraffe has a long one
- Smile
- You see with these
- Used to swallow
- It hurts when you're hungry
- Torn ACL
- Kiss
- Behind you
- The middle one is a bad gesture
- You sit on it
- Used to chew
- Sniff
25 Clues: Kiss • Wave • Smile • Sniff • Tasty • Mascara • Torn ACL • Behind you • Run with it • Used to chew • You sit on it • Walk on these • Used to swallow • Use it to think • Also a young cow • Joint in your arm • You see with these • Attached to your foot • Between arm and chest • You have 2 on your face • A giraffe has a long one • It hurts when you're hungry • Bald means you don't have any • ...
Body parts 2024-07-30
Body Parts 2024-09-18
26 Clues: pie • pelo • ojos • boca • uñas • dedos • pecho • nariz • cejas • pierna • frente • brazos • bigote • orejas • rostro • cuello • lengua • cabeza • labios • dientes • rodilla • hombros • pestañas • estómago • cachetes • dedos de los pies
body parts 2024-11-05
Body parts 2017-01-18
- You can smell with this
- The joint connecting the foot with the leg
- The part of your arm extending from the elbow to the wrist
- It's between your thigh and your lower leg
- The protruding part of the face below your mouth
- The finger on which the wedding ring is usually worn (two words)
- The back part of your foot
- The joint between the forearm and the upper arm
- An informal name for your navel (two words)
- You use it to eat and talk
- The upper part of the human body
- You use these for chewing food
- The joint connecting the hand with the forearm
- A name for your little finger
- The part at the back of your leg, below the knee
- The strip of hair growing above your eyes
- You may use this digit to point at someone
- You use it for tasting, licking and articulating speech
- You need two of these to clap
- Curved hairs, growing on the edges of your eyelids (plural)
- The front of the leg below the knee
- It connects your head to the rest of your body
- The largest toe of the human foot (two words)
- You use them to kiss and whistle (plural)
- Probably the shortest digit in your hand
- The part of the human leg between the hip and the knee
26 Clues: You can smell with this • The back part of your foot • You use it to eat and talk • A name for your little finger • You need two of these to clap • You use these for chewing food • The upper part of the human body • The front of the leg below the knee • Probably the shortest digit in your hand • The strip of hair growing above your eyes • ...
Body parts 2024-11-06
- The bad guy in the Lion King.
- This connects your hand and arm.
- This body part holds your heart.
- You might lift these if you're amazed.
- Used for thinking and headaches.
- You stand on it.
- The place where your food is digested (=verteerd).
- The finger used for good things.
- The part where you bend your leg.
- What you shrug when you don't care.
- "The thinker" (a famous statue of someone sitting down in a "thinking" position), is leaning on his hand with his...
- Thirty white horses on a red hill. First they champ, then they stamp, then they stand still.
- It comes in all types: curly, straight, wavy, ...
- The upper part of your leg.
- The part of the leg between the knee and ankle.
- Where you wear a belt.
- A nice word for "booty".
- The fingers of your feet.
- If you lift things the wrong way, this body part might hurt.
- If you bite them, you have a bad habit.
20 Clues: You stand on it. • Where you wear a belt. • A nice word for "booty". • The fingers of your feet. • The upper part of your leg. • The bad guy in the Lion King. • This connects your hand and arm. • This body part holds your heart. • Used for thinking and headaches. • The finger used for good things. • The part where you bend your leg. • What you shrug when you don't care. • ...
Body parts 2024-11-12
Body Parts 2020-08-17
BODY PARTS 2020-06-06
- I've just hit my ___ and it feels really painful.
- They were romantically dancing ___ to ___.
- The singular of teeth
- The cat tasted the cake with its ___.
- It joins your hand and your arm.
- They are over your eyes.
- He was carrying a heavy backpack on his ___.
- She kissed the little girl's ___ and put her to sleep.
- She has big green eyes and long golden ___.
- He had his arms folded across his ___.
- The plural of foot.
- The part of your body you sit on.
- Messi normally kicks with his left ___.
- He got down on one ___ and asked her to marry him.
- A person has ten fingers and ten ___.
- Please close your ___ for a second and listen!
- Angelina Jolie is famous for her full ___.
- She was wearing a silk scarf around her ___.
- I have eaten too much and have a ___ ache.
- You know, Jenny, you've got beautiful ___.
20 Clues: The plural of foot. • The singular of teeth • They are over your eyes. • It joins your hand and your arm. • The part of your body you sit on. • A person has ten fingers and ten ___. • The cat tasted the cake with its ___. • He had his arms folded across his ___. • Messi normally kicks with his left ___. • They were romantically dancing ___ to ___. • ...
BODY PARTS 2020-06-20
Body Parts 2022-03-27
28 Clues: the leg • the toe • the hip • the arm • the hand • the back • the knee • the nose • the head • the foot • the neck • the lips • the eyes • the face • the ears • the ankle • the bones • the wrist • the teeth • the elbow • the waist • the chest • the mouth • the finger • the stomach • the forehead • the eyebrows • the shoulder
Body parts 2022-02-12
21 Clues: osso • bocca • collo • gamba • petto • piede • polso • mento • testa • spalla • fronte • gomito • guancia • stomaco • schiena • braccio • pollice • caviglia • ginocchio • dito del piede • dito della mano
Body parts 2013-09-24
26 Clues: leg • lip • ear • eye • nose • head • face • hair • palm • back • knee • neck • foot • chin • hand • chest • teeth • cheek • elbow • thumb • mouth • finger • tongue • bottom • eyebrow • forehead
Body parts 2013-10-07
32 Clues: шея • нос • зуб • рот • ухо • нога • рука • язык • зубы • глаз • рука • тело • кожа • ноги • ушки • нога • спина • палец • горло • брови • мышца • плечо • живот • грудь • глаза • волосы • печень • колени • колено • голова • ресницы • пальцев
Body Parts 2014-03-05
Body parts 2014-02-23
24 Clues: nos • rty • zub • oko • krk • prst • tvář • noha • čelo • ucho • paže • ústa • záda • ruka • hrdlo • hlava • vlasy • zadek • břicho • koleno • obličej • hrudník • chodidlo • prst u nohy
Body Parts 2012-12-10
- the back of your foot
- under your mouth
- at the bottom of your leg
- what you hear with
- on top of your neck
- there are five of them on your hands
- what you can't see
- what you shrug when you don't know something
- above your hips
- where you put your hands when you are mad
- what hurts if you eat too much
- what gets sore when you are sick
- front of your leg, under your knee
- the part of your hand that a fortune-teller reads
- what you blow when you have a cold
- between your ear and your nose
- back of your leg, under your knee
- there are five of them on your feet
- what you raise when you want to speak in class
- the top part of your leg
- above your eyes
- what you put on the table when you are thinking
- between your arm and your hand
- what you sit on
- above your waist
- what you bend when you walk
- what you can twist when you fall
- between your head and your body
28 Clues: above your eyes • above your hips • what you sit on • under your mouth • above your waist • what you hear with • what you can't see • on top of your neck • the back of your foot • the top part of your leg • at the bottom of your leg • what you bend when you walk • between your arm and your hand • what hurts if you eat too much • between your ear and your nose • between your head and your body • ...
Body Parts 2013-04-11
- used to chew your food
- organ you use to think
- where the air goes through from your nose to your lungs
- each part of the spine
- where the food is processed
- these are large and small
- the largest bone of the human body
- the openings of the nose
- used for covering your eyes
- used for kissing
- the joint between the leg and foot
- the joint between the upper arm and the forearm
- the joint between the forearm and hand
- inner part of a bone
- organ that pumps blood through the body
- percieve flavours on the toungue
- where you apply deoderant
- where you put an earing
- if removed you may eat alot of icecream
- the organs that process urine
20 Clues: used for kissing • inner part of a bone • used to chew your food • organ you use to think • each part of the spine • where you put an earing • the openings of the nose • where you apply deoderant • these are large and small • where the food is processed • used for covering your eyes • the organs that process urine • percieve flavours on the toungue • the largest bone of the human body • ...
Body Parts 2013-02-04
21 Clues: nas • faţă • feţe • guri • gură • cozi • mână • dinte • braţe • mâini • coadă • dinţi • nasuri • ureche • picior • urechi • picioare • laba piciorului • ochi (mai mulţi) • ochi (doar unul) • labele picioarelor
BODY PARTS 2013-03-02
34 Clues: mano • anca • naso • polso • piede • pugno • dente • mento • collo • bocca • testa • gamba • occhio • ciglia • pancia • fronte • lingua • gomito • spalla • faccia • labbra • pollice • capelli • schiena • guancia • braccio • orecchio • caviglia • ginocchio • polpaccio • vita/fianchi • sopracciglia • dito del piede • dito della mano
Body Parts 2015-01-09
- the sole
- the lip
- the cheek
- the fingers
- the tounge
- the leg
- the wrist
- the nose
- the eyes
- the heart
- the knee
- the palm
- the heel
- the shoulder
- the neck
- the gallbladder
- the kidney
- the pancreas
- the hand
- the toe
- the blood
- the abdomen
- the vein
- the toenail
- the chin
- the buttocks
- the thumb
- the skin
- the throat
- the waist
- the nerve
- the chest
- the lung
- the ears
- the muscle
- the artery
- the eyebrow
- the liver
- the brain
- the bladder
- the teeth
- the intestines
- the thigh
- the hip
- the hair
- the bone
- the skull
- the ankle
- the stomach
- the gums
- the elbow
- the head
- the eyelashes
- the eyelid
- the jaw
- the mouth
- the back
- the calf
- the forehead
- the throat
- the arm
61 Clues: the lip • the leg • the hip • the jaw • the toe • the arm • the sole • the lung • the ears • the nose • the eyes • the knee • the palm • the heel • the hair • the bone • the neck • the gums • the hand • the head • the vein • the back • the chin • the skin • the calf • the cheek • the wrist • the liver • the brain • the heart • the teeth • the thigh • the skull • the ankle • the elbow • the blood • the mouth • the thumb • the waist • the nerve • the chest • the muscle • ...
Body Parts 2015-05-25
BODY PARTS 2023-01-21
- The hollow place under your arm where your arm joins your body.
- The part of the body that joins the head to the shoulders.
- The mass on the head of a person.
- One of the parts of the body that is used for standing or walking.
- The part of the body at the end of the arm that is used for holding.
- One of the two parts of the body at each side of the neck that join the arms to the rest of the body.
- The opening in the face of a person or animal, consisting of the lips and the space between them.
- Either of the two long parts of the upper body that are attached to the shoulders and have the hands at the end.
- The part of the face that is above the mouth, through which you breathe and smell.
- The middle joint of the leg that allows the leg to bend.
- The part of your body that is opposite to the front, from your shoulders to your bottom.
- Any of the five separate parts at the end of the foot.
- The joint between the foot and the leg, or the thin part of the leg just above the foot.
- The flat part of the face, above the eyes and below the hair.
- The rounded back part of the foot.
- Any of the long, thin, separate parts of the hand.
- The upper front part of the body, between the stomach and the neck, containing the heart and lungs.
- The part of your body that you sit on.
- The part of the body between the hand and the arm.
- The part of the body at the bottom of the leg on which a person or animal stands.
- The part of a person's face below their mouth.
- The part in the middle of the arm where it bends.
- One of the two organs in your face that are used for seeing.
23 Clues: The mass on the head of a person. • The rounded back part of the foot. • The part of your body that you sit on. • The part of a person's face below their mouth. • The part in the middle of the arm where it bends. • Any of the long, thin, separate parts of the hand. • The part of the body between the hand and the arm. • ...
Body Parts 2023-02-23
23 Clues: eye • leg • ear • arm • neck • back • nose • face • foot • knee • hand • chest • elbow • heart • tooth • mouth • throat • to say • tongue • to hurt • stomach • shoulder • finger,toe
BODY PARTS 2021-02-02
23 Clues: õlg • kõht • kurk • lõug • põsk • rind • jalg • külg • reis • põlv • ranne • kukal • otsmik • sõrmed • hambad • varbad • pahkluu • vöökoht • käsivars • labajalg • oimukoht • labajalad • küünarnukk
body parts 2020-11-13
- it hurts when you don't like food
- your hand has five
- we taste this is
- where the legs bend
- part of the arm
- you can chow these
- it is located above the eyes
- yuo can catch the objects
- we kiss with this
- we smell with this
- you can perceive sounds
- where can you wear scarft
- we walk of these
- can be long or short dark or light
- you can walk with this
- you can see movies
- main part of human body
- you can wear accesories like hat
- you use them to give a hug
- this covers the body
20 Clues: part of the arm • we walk of these • we taste this is • we kiss with this • we smell with this • your hand has five • you can see movies • you can chow these • where the legs bend • this covers the body • you can walk with this • you can perceive sounds • main part of human body • where can you wear scarft • yuo can catch the objects • you use them to give a hug • it is located above the eyes • ...
Body parts 2020-12-04
30 Clues: шия • вії • попа • язик • рука • тіло • спина • п'ята • бедро • груди • живіт • талія • плече • стопа • коліно • ніготь • ніздря • стегна • лікоть • долоня • підошва • зап'ястя • щиколотка • кисть руки • підборіддя • палець руки • палець ноги • шлунок, живіт • грудна клітка • великий палець руки
BODY PARTS 2021-02-21
25 Clues: dos • cou • nez • cil • œil • main • pied • dent • bras • jambe • doigt • genou • ongle • lèvre • épaule • ventre • menton • bouche • orteil • taille • hanche • oreille • sourcil • cheville • poitrine
Body parts 2021-03-29
29 Clues: rim • boca • coxa • nuca • pulso • testa • ombro • nariz • cílio • peito • olhos • queixo • joelho • umbigo • bexiga • pulmão • canela • fígado • costela • pescoço • barriga • quadril • bochecha • palpebra • cotovelo • calcanhar • tornozelo • panturrilha • sobrancelha
Body Parts 2021-03-24
27 Clues: arm • leg • ear • ear • eyes • hand • nose • knee • face • lips • feet • head • neck • back • waist • cheek • elbow • mouth • teeth • chest • throat • stomach • eyebrow • fingers • forehead • shoulder • eyelashes
Body parts 2021-07-24
25 Clues: hip • leg • arm • back • head • heel • hair • nose • neck • knee • eyes • foot • hand • body • wrist • elbow • cheek • mouth • belly • ankle • chest • finger • armpit • shoulder • forehead
Body parts 2022-07-13
25 Clues: вії • шия • рот • лоб • вуса • щока • зуби • язик • риже • плече • живіт • лисий • талія • спина • ямочка • лікоть • зрачок • п'ятка • долоня • гомілка • зап'ястя • кучеряве • щиколотка • стегно, ляшка • ніготь на пальці на нозі
Body parts 2022-10-26
22 Clues: pä • suu • käsi • sormi • vatsa • poski • selkä • polvi • jalka • silmät • varvas • kurkku • nilkka • kasvot • huulet • korvat • vartalo • olkapää • hiukset • jalkaterä • käsivarsi • kaula, niska
Body Parts 2016-11-10
- When you stump your little ... it hurts a lot, even though it's so small.
- You play soccer with your ...
- When you congratulate someone you give that person a kiss on the ...
- The part near the end of your leg making it able to move your feet.
- The middle part of your body. Synonym for tummy.
- When someone is confused they raise an ...
- Used for listening (sing.)
- You sit on your..
- The upper part of your body, covering your lungs.
- You applaud with your...
- People sometimes talk behind your ...
- You can't stand on only one ...
- Clowns have a red ...
- Everyone's ... looks different, except with identical twins.
- To walk straight your pull your ... back (sing.)
- You have 10 of them in total.
- The frontside of the part between your head and the rest of your body.
- Common injury among tennis players.
- Look me in the ... when I'm talking to you!
- Two lovers kiss each other on the ...
- Used to wave.
- Used to talk.
- I got guns in my ... and they won't go. Spirits in my ... and they won't go.
- The backside of the part between your head and the rest of your body.
- The joint in the middle of your leg, making it able to bend your leg.
25 Clues: Used to wave. • Used to talk. • You sit on your.. • Clowns have a red ... • You applaud with your... • Used for listening (sing.) • You play soccer with your ... • You have 10 of them in total. • You can't stand on only one ... • Common injury among tennis players. • Two lovers kiss each other on the ... • People sometimes talk behind your ... • ...
body parts 2018-01-29
24 Clues: нос • шея • рот • нога • губы • зубы • язык • рука • рука • лицо • спина • плечо • живот • грудь • пятка • глаза • волосы • ступня • локоть • голова • коленка • подбородок • палец на руке • палец на ноге
Body Parts 2018-02-11
26 Clues: dada • mata • gigi • kaki • dahi • Alis • pipi • dagu • siku • lutut • leher • Lidah • wajah • bibir • Mulut • tangan • Hidung • lengan • Kuping • rambut • stomach • SHOULDER • ibu jari • bulu mata • jari kaki • pergelangan tangan
Body Parts 2017-10-16
- You can put your laptop on them
- The big finger
- Used for digestion
- You'll need this finger when getting married
- Fingers that are on your feet
- They can be broad or narrow
- Lower part of your face
- You can hear thanks to them
- You have ten of them
- We point to things with this finger
- Used for observation
- Some people use them to stand on when they pray
- A six-pack or an eight-pack
- You walk on them
- It starts from the deltoid and ends with fingers
- It is used for grabbing things
- You sit on them
- We wear watches on our...
- We can burn them and use for energy
- The front part of your head
- You can kiss your granny on the...
- The naughtiest finger of all
- Little finger
- If you break it, you can't walk
- Pointy jointment of the arm
25 Clues: Little finger • The big finger • You sit on them • You walk on them • Used for digestion • You have ten of them • Used for observation • Lower part of your face • We wear watches on our... • A six-pack or an eight-pack • The front part of your head • They can be broad or narrow • You can hear thanks to them • Pointy jointment of the arm • The naughtiest finger of all • ...
Body Parts 2023-05-18
25 Clues: El • Diz • Dil • Kol • Saç • Göz • Kaç • Diş • Sırt • Ayak • Mide • Çene • Kafa • Omuz • Ağız • Boyun • Göğüs • Burun • Kulak • Bacak • Dudak • Parmak • Dirsek • Tırnak • Ayak Parmağı
Body Parts 2023-06-16
- - The part of the body that connects the head to the rest of the torso.
- - The back part of the lower legs.
- - The indentation in the center of the abdomen.
- - The lower limbs of the body used for standing, walking, and running.
- - The digits on the hands used for grasping and manipulating objects.
- - The parts at the end of the arms with fingers used for gripping and fine motor skills.
- - The fleshy parts surrounding the mouth.
- - The outer covering of the body that protects the internal organs.
- - The joints in the middle of the arms that allow bending and straightening.
- - The area of the body where the legs attach to the torso.
- - The back part of the feet below the ankles.
- - The hollows under the arms where sweat glands are located.
- - The part of the face above the eyes.
- - The organs responsible for vision, located on the front of the face.
- - The joints between the fingers and the hands.
- - The upper part of the legs between the hips and the knees.
- - The opening in the face used for eating, speaking, and tasting.
- - The joints connecting the hands to the forearms.
- - The joints connecting the feet to the lower legs.
- - The joints in the middle of the legs that allow bending and straightening.
- - The fleshy parts on the sides of the face.
- - The hair on the edges of the eyelids.
- - The upper limbs of the body used for reaching, grasping, and manipulating objects.
- - The strands that grow from the scalp.
- - The hard coverings on the ends of the toes.
- - The hard coverings on the ends of fingers and toes.
- - The organ in the abdomen responsible for digestion.
- - The organ used for smelling and breathing, located in the center of the face.
- - The organs responsible for hearing, located on the sides of the head.
- - The joints connecting the arms to the upper body.
- - The upper part of the body that contains the brain, eyes, nose, and mouth.
- - The protruding part of the face below the mouth.
- - The digits on the feet.
- - The rear part of the body, extending from the shoulders to the waist.
- - The front part of the upper body between the neck and the abdomen.
- - The hair above the eyes.
- - The parts at the end of the legs used for walking and balance.
- - Hard structures in the mouth used for biting and chewing food.
- - A muscular organ in the mouth used for tasting and speaking.
- - The column of bones in the back that provides support and protects the spinal cord.
40 Clues: - The digits on the feet. • - The hair above the eyes. • - The back part of the lower legs. • - The part of the face above the eyes. • - The hair on the edges of the eyelids. • - The strands that grow from the scalp. • - The fleshy parts surrounding the mouth. • - The fleshy parts on the sides of the face. • - The hard coverings on the ends of the toes. • ...
body parts 2023-06-06
20 Clues: keel • knie • buik • enkel • klacht • verbod • pincet • ernstig • verzoek • diarree • pijnlijk • plijster • schuider • rolstoel • litteken • apotheker • wenkbrauw • schaafwonde • gehandicapt • verplichting
Body parts 2023-06-12
- The part of the body that connects the head to the shoulders and contains the throat.
- The organ responsible for hearing and maintaining balance, located on the sides of the head.
- The opening in the face used for speaking, eating, and tasting food.
- The upper limb extending from the shoulder to the hand, used for various activities and movements.
- The uppermost part of the body that contains the brain and sensory organs such as the eyes, nose, and mouth.
- The joint connecting the upper arm to the forearm, allowing arm movement.
- One of the digits on the hand, used for fine motor skills and manipulation.
- The facial organ used for smelling and breathing, located in the center of the face.
- One of the digits on the foot, used for balance and propulsion while walking or running.
- The lower limb of the body, extending from the hip to the foot.
- The rear surface of the body, from the shoulders to the waist.
- The front part of the upper body, between the neck and the abdomen, containing the heart and lungs.
- The organ in the body where food is digested and stored before being passed into the intestines.
- The body part at the end of the arm, consisting of the palm, fingers, and thumb, used for grasping and manipulating objects.
- The joint connecting the upper arm to the torso, allowing arm movement.
- The joint connecting the foot to the leg, allowing foot movement.
- The joint connecting the hand to the forearm, allowing hand movement.
- The body part at the end of the leg, used for standing, walking, and balance.
- The organ responsible for vision, located in the eye socket of the skull.
- The joint connecting the thigh to the lower leg, allowing leg movement.
20 Clues: The rear surface of the body, from the shoulders to the waist. • The lower limb of the body, extending from the hip to the foot. • The joint connecting the foot to the leg, allowing foot movement. • The opening in the face used for speaking, eating, and tasting food. • The joint connecting the hand to the forearm, allowing hand movement. • ...
Body Parts 2023-08-03
- Hard parts in your mouth that help you chew food.
- Body parts you use to hear sounds.
- A muscle in your mouth that helps you taste and talk.
- The area where your food is digested.
- The rear side of your body, opposite your front.
- The opening where you eat, drink, and talk.
- The lower limbs you use to walk and run.
- The top part of your body that holds your brain.
- The front part of your upper body, where your heart is.
- The digits on your hands that you use to grip things.
- The part of your face you use to smell things.
- Organs you use to see things around you.
- The joints that allow your legs to bend.
- The part that connects your head to your body.
- The upper limbs that connect your hands to your body.
- The organ inside your head that controls everything.
- The parts at the end of your legs that you stand on.
- The digits on your feet, similar to fingers on hands.
- The parts at the end of your arms with fingers.
- The upper part of your body where your arms connect.
20 Clues: Body parts you use to hear sounds. • The area where your food is digested. • Organs you use to see things around you. • The joints that allow your legs to bend. • The lower limbs you use to walk and run. • The opening where you eat, drink, and talk. • The part that connects your head to your body. • The part of your face you use to smell things. • ...
Body parts 2023-11-14
38 Clues: leg • arm • jaw • ears • eyes • Skin • back • knee • foot • face • hair • lips • head • hand • neck • nose • bones • mouth • teeth • ankle • blood • lungs • elbow • heart • brain • chest • chest • eyelid • tongue • throat • cheeks • abdomen • fingers • The hip • forehead • shoulder • eyebrows • The stomach
body parts 2023-08-19
20 Clues: – nos • – ząb • – zęby • – ręka • – wąsy • – usta • – oczy • – noga • – uszy • – ogon • – język • – głowa • – ciało • – plecy • – szyja • – brzuch • – pazury • – skrzydła • – palce ( u stóp) • – palce ( u ręki )
Body parts 2023-09-19
22 Clues: eye • toe • flu • ear • back • body • lips • hand • nose • lung • elbow • heart • waist • mouth • finger • tongue • stomach • to cough • eyelashes • to sneeze • I'm wiped out • it's necessary
Body Parts 2024-01-25
- Se usa para comer
- Está debajo de labios
- The head sits on it
- Está en la boca
- Se usa para hablar
- It is next to the nose
- It connects the arms to the body
- The pants hold on to it
- Se usa para escuchar
- Se usa para oler
- It is above the eyebrows
- Está encima de el cuello
- Está encima de los ojos
- Se usa para ver
- Es debajo de nariz
- It is used to hold things
- It connects the hand and arm
- The hand is attached to it
- It is in the head
- It is on the eyelids
20 Clues: Se usa para ver • Está en la boca • Se usa para oler • Se usa para comer • It is in the head • Es debajo de nariz • Se usa para hablar • The head sits on it • It is on the eyelids • Se usa para escuchar • Está debajo de labios • It is next to the nose • Está encima de los ojos • The pants hold on to it • It is above the eyebrows • Está encima de el cuello • It is used to hold things • ...
Body Parts 2024-01-25
- Se usa para comer
- Está debajo de labios
- The head sits on it
- Está en la boca
- Se usa para hablar
- It is next to the nose
- It connects the arms to the body
- The pants hold on to it
- Se usa para escuchar
- Se usa para oler
- It is above the eyebrows
- Está encima de el cuello
- Está encima de los ojos
- Se usa para ver
- Es debajo de nariz
- It is used to hold things
- It connects the hand and arm
- The hand is attached to it
- It is in the head
- It is on the eyelids
20 Clues: Se usa para ver • Está en la boca • Se usa para oler • Se usa para comer • It is in the head • Es debajo de nariz • Se usa para hablar • The head sits on it • It is on the eyelids • Se usa para escuchar • Está debajo de labios • It is next to the nose • Está encima de los ojos • The pants hold on to it • It is above the eyebrows • Está encima de el cuello • It is used to hold things • ...
Body parts 2024-05-12
31 Clues: шея • рот • нос • лоб • ухо • зуб • глаз • язык • щека • губа • губа • нога • рука • бровь • пятка • талия • горло • плечо • волосы • колено • локоть • локоть • голова • желудок • лодыжка • подбородок • рука (кисть) • нога (ступня) • палец на ноге • грудная клетка • палец (на руке)
BODY PARTS 2024-02-06
26 Clues: el pie • la boca • la mano • los ojos • la cara • el pelo • la barba • la nariz • las orejas • el brazo • las pecas • los dedos • la cabeza • el cuerpo • el bigote • los labios • la lengua • las piernas • los hombros • los dientes • la espalda • las rodillas • la barbilla • el estómago • las mejillas • los dedos del pie
Body parts 2024-08-14
- Probably the shortest digit in your hand
- The protruding part of the face below your mouth
- You need two of these to clap
- The part of your arm extending from the elbow to the wrist
- A name for your little finger
- It's between your thigh and your lower leg
- The part of the human leg between the hip and the knee
- You use them to kiss and whistle (plural)
- You may use this digit to point at someone
- An informal name for your navel (two words)
- The strip of hair growing above your eyes
- You use it to eat and talk
- The part at the back of your leg, below the knee
- The front of the leg below the knee
- It connects your head to the rest of your body
- The largest toe of the human foot (two words)
- Curved hairs, growing on the edges of your eyelids (plural)
- The joint connecting the hand with the forearm
- The finger on which the wedding ring is usually worn (two words)
- The back part of your foot
- You can smell with this
- The joint connecting the foot with the leg
- The joint between the forearm and the upper arm
- You use these for chewing food
- You use it for tasting, licking and articulating speech
- The upper part of the human body
26 Clues: You can smell with this • The back part of your foot • You use it to eat and talk • You need two of these to clap • A name for your little finger • You use these for chewing food • The upper part of the human body • The front of the leg below the knee • Probably the shortest digit in your hand • You use them to kiss and whistle (plural) • ...
Body parts 2024-03-05
24 Clues: arm • face • hand • nose • chin • ears • arms • eyes • toes • back • body • foot • feet • legs • knees • teeth • tooth • chest • ankle • elbow • fingers • stomach • eyebrows • shoulders
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