body parts Crossword Puzzles

Body parts 2017-03-22

Body parts crossword puzzle
  1. кисть руки
  2. палец на руке
  3. щиколотка
  4. легкие
  5. рука от плеча до кисти
  6. зуб
  7. ресница
  8. ступни
  9. бровь
  10. веснушка
  11. морщина
  12. ноготь
  13. большой палец
  14. палец на ноге
  1. щека
  2. пупок
  3. ладонь
  4. ноздря
  5. локоть
  6. колено
  7. зубы
  8. плечо
  9. глаз
  10. ступня
  11. пятка
  12. мозги
  13. запястье
  14. нос

28 Clues: зубносщеказубыглазпупокплечопяткамозгибровьладоньноздрялокотьлегкиеколеноступниступняноготьресницаморщинавеснушказапястьещиколоткакисть рукипалец на рукебольшой палецпалец на ногерука от плеча до кисти

Body Parts 2017-05-25

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. Thigh
  2. Groin
  3. Calf
  4. Palm
  5. Big Toe
  6. Heel
  7. Arm
  8. Eye
  9. Mouth
  1. Thumb
  2. Hip
  3. Forehead
  4. Hallow Behind Knee
  5. Neck
  6. Forearm
  7. Front of Knee
  8. Armpit
  9. Shoulder
  10. Nape (back of neck)
  11. Front of Elbow
  12. Ankle

21 Clues: HipArmEyeNeckCalfPalmHeelThumbThighGroinAnkleMouthArmpitForearmBig ToeForeheadShoulderFront of KneeFront of ElbowHallow Behind KneeNape (back of neck)

Body parts 2018-10-03

Body parts crossword puzzle
  1. ухо
  2. глаз
  3. щека
  4. палец на руке
  5. локоть
  6. рука
  7. голова
  8. палец на ноге
  9. плечо
  10. губы
  11. кисть
  12. колено
  13. спина
  14. волосы
  1. зубы
  2. подбородок
  3. живот
  4. лоб
  5. ступня
  6. ресницы
  7. рот
  8. нога
  9. нос
  10. шея
  11. бровь

25 Clues: ухолобротносшеязубыглазщекаруканогагубыживотплечокистьспинабровьступнялокотьголоваколеноволосыресницыподбородокпалец на рукепалец на ноге

Body Parts 2013-02-04

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. gură
  2. mână
  3. faţă
  4. laba piciorului
  5. urechi
  6. guri
  7. mâini
  8. coadă
  9. ochi (doar unul)
  10. picioare
  11. ochi (mai mulţi)
  12. braţ
  1. dinţi
  2. nas
  3. feţe
  4. dinte
  5. braţe
  6. nasuri
  7. cozi
  8. picior
  9. labele picioarelor
  10. ureche

22 Clues: nasgurămânăfaţăfeţeguricozibraţdinţidintebraţemâinicoadănasuriurechipiciorurechepicioarelaba picioruluiochi (doar unul)ochi (mai mulţi)labele picioarelor

Body Parts 2012-12-09

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. below your waist
  2. what you sit on
  3. what you raise when you want to speak in class
  4. above your waist
  5. above your eyes
  6. what you put on the table when you are thinking
  7. between your arm and your hand
  8. between your leg and your foot
  9. what you hear with
  10. there are five of them on your hands
  11. there are five of them on your feet
  12. under your mouth
  1. the part of your hand that a fortune-teller reads
  2. where people sometimes put a sign that says "Kick me."
  3. between your ear and your nose
  4. on top of your neck
  5. what you shrug when you don't know something
  6. between your knee and your ankle
  7. above your hips
  8. the back of your foot
  9. muscle you need for skiing
  10. connects your foot to your body
  11. what you bend in order to walk
  12. where you get shots
  13. muscle you need for ice-skating

25 Clues: what you sit onabove your eyesabove your hipsbelow your waistabove your waistunder your mouthwhat you hear withon top of your neckwhere you get shotsthe back of your footmuscle you need for skiingbetween your ear and your nosebetween your arm and your handbetween your leg and your footwhat you bend in order to walkconnects your foot to your body...

Body Parts 2013-05-27

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. Dedo da mão
  2. Queixo
  3. Costas
  4. Boca
  5. Pescoço
  6. Cotovelo
  7. Língua
  8. Barriga
  9. Dedo do pé
  10. Calcanhar
  11. Perna
  12. Testa
  13. Dente
  14. Olho
  15. Braço
  16. Mão
  1. Rosto
  2. Orelha
  3. Peito
  4. Tornozelo
  5. Joelho
  6. Bumbum
  7. Ombro
  8. Bochecha
  9. Sobrancelha
  10. Lábio
  11. Cintura
  12. Nariz
  13. Cabelo
  14. Cabeça

31 Clues: MãoBocaOlhoRostoPeitoOmbroLábioPernaTestaNarizDenteBraçoOrelhaQueixoCostasJoelhoBumbumLínguaCabeloCabeçaPescoçoBarrigaCinturaCotoveloBochechaTornozeloCalcanharDedo do péDedo da mãoSobrancelha

body parts 2013-12-03

body parts crossword puzzle
  1. brwi
  2. kolano
  3. ręka
  4. brzuch
  5. twarz
  6. broda/zarost
  7. szyja
  8. nos
  9. wąsy
  10. oczy
  11. stopy
  12. zęby
  13. ząb
  14. ramię
  15. uszy
  16. noga
  1. plecy
  2. głowa
  3. paznokieć
  4. palec_u_nogi
  5. rzęsy
  6. palec_u_ręki
  7. policzek
  8. stopa
  9. usta
  10. łokieć
  11. futro
  12. włosy
  13. ogon
  14. blizna

30 Clues: nosząbbrwirękaustawąsyoczyzębyogonuszynogaplecygłowarzęsytwarzszyjastopastopyfutrowłosyramiękolanobrzuchłokiećbliznapoliczekpaznokiećpalec_u_nogipalec_u_rękibroda/zarost

Body Parts 2014-05-21

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. 8
  2. I
  3. M
  4. K
  5. 9
  6. 7
  7. 13
  8. F
  9. D
  10. E
  11. 2
  1. 12
  2. 6
  3. 1
  4. A
  5. 11
  6. 3
  7. 5
  8. L
  9. 10
  10. H
  11. C
  12. 4
  13. G
  14. J
  15. B

26 Clues: 61A83IM5KL97HFC4DGJE2B12111013

Body Parts 2014-05-15

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. 大腿
  2. 脖子
  3. 下巴
  4. 头发
  5. 肩膀
  6. 鼻子
  7. 手指
  8. 屁股
  9. 肚子
  10. 眼睛
  1. 手肘
  2. 指甲
  3. 耳朵
  4. 脚趾甲
  5. 脚趾
  6. 眉毛
  7. 舌头
  8. 膝盖
  9. 嘴巴

29 Clues: 手肘大腿指甲耳朵脖子下巴头发脚趾肩膀鼻子眉毛手指屁股舌头膝盖肚子嘴巴眼睛脚趾甲

Body Parts 2015-09-07

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. Used for touching things
  2. connects the head to the body.
  3. part of the body that's on top of your neck
  4. The little hole in in the center of a person's belly
  5. from the waist to the top of the leg.
  6. above the thigh on either side of the body
  7. is used for digesting food.
  8. Sometimes called bottom or behind.
  9. is between the forearm and the upper arm
  10. muscle at the back of the lower leg
  11. Is between the wrist and elbow.
  12. connects the lower and upper leg.
  1. where the bottom of the foot curves.
  2. is the back part of the foot below the ankle.
  3. on each side of the head and used for hearing.
  4. grown on top of the head.
  5. is just above the hips
  6. part of the leg between the hip and the knee
  7. The padded portion foot between the toes and the arch
  8. connects the to arm and to the base of the neck
  9. is the below the neck and above the stomach.
  10. front of the leg below the knee
  11. is rear surface of the body from the shoulders to the hips.
  12. the lower part of the leg below the ankle
  13. connects the foot to the leg

25 Clues: is just above the hipsUsed for touching thingsgrown on top of the used for digesting food.connects the foot to the legconnects the head to the body.front of the leg below the kneeIs between the wrist and elbow.connects the lower and upper leg.Sometimes called bottom or behind.muscle at the back of the lower leg...

Body Parts 2015-09-07

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. part of the body that's on top of your neck
  2. ___ pit (joint where the arm connects to the shoulder)
  3. Part of the body just above hips.
  4. The little hole in in the center of a person's belly
  5. the lower part of the leg below the ankle
  6. Sometimes called bottom or behind.
  7. is the back part of the foot below the ankle.
  8. Is between the wrist and elbow.
  9. part of the leg between the hip and the knee
  10. the organ in your body that cleans your blood and produces bile a liquid that helps your body process fat
  11. from the waist to the top of the leg.
  12. one of the two organs in your body that clean your blood and remove waste
  13. one of the two organs in your chest that fill with air when you breathe
  14. connects the head to the body.
  15. the part of your face above your mouth that you use for smelling and breathing.
  16. is between the forearm and the upper arm
  1. where the bottom of the foot curves.
  2. is just above the hips
  3. muscle at the back of the lower leg
  4. is used for digesting food.
  5. connects the foot to the leg
  6. the inside part of your hand, between your fingers and your wrist
  7. one of the hard white objects inside your mouth that you use for biting and for chewing food
  8. connects the to arm and to the base of the neck
  9. above the thigh on either side of the body
  10. grown on top of the head.
  11. is the below the neck and above the stomach.
  12. on each side of the head and used for hearing.
  13. The padded portion foot between the toes and the arch
  14. front of the leg below the knee
  15. connects the lower and upper leg.
  16. is rear surface of the body from the shoulders to the hips.

32 Clues: is just above the hipsgrown on top of the used for digesting food.connects the foot to the legconnects the head to the body.Is between the wrist and elbow.front of the leg below the kneePart of the body just above hips.connects the lower and upper leg.Sometimes called bottom or behind.muscle at the back of the lower leg...

Body parts 2021-11-18

Body parts crossword puzzle
  1. You stand on these.
  2. These are used to touch. They are part of the hands.
  3. This is used to support the head.
  4. The _______ are on the outer part of the mouth. You use them to kiss.
  5. This part of your mouth tastes things.
  6. You use these to chew.
  7. Your upper limbs. They can be used to carry things or to hug people.
  8. These are used to grab or hold onto things.
  9. This is used to smell things.
  10. This grows from the top of your head. You can wear it in different styles.
  11. Your upper torso, between your armpits.
  12. These joints connect your arms to the rest of your body.
  1. These are used to see.
  2. Opposite of your front side.
  3. The largest organ of your body. It covers your bones and muscles.
  4. these joints are used when you bend your legs.
  5. These are used to move the body around. Runners have very strong _____.
  6. Also referred to as your belly. It's where food goes after you swallow.
  7. The lowest part of your face.
  8. These are used for balance. They are part of the feet.
  9. This part of the body contains the brain, eyes, ears, nose, and mouth.
  10. These joints are used when you bend your arms.
  11. The part of your face where speech comes out and food goes in.
  12. These are used to hear.
  13. The front part of your head, from your forehead to your chin.

25 Clues: You stand on these.These are used to see.You use these to chew.These are used to hear.Opposite of your front side.The lowest part of your face.This is used to smell things.This is used to support the head.This part of your mouth tastes things.Your upper torso, between your armpits.These are used to grab or hold onto things....

Body Parts 2021-11-14

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. arms
  2. hair
  3. hands
  4. legs
  5. neck
  6. forehead
  7. eyebrows
  8. eyes
  9. knees
  10. mouth
  11. hips
  1. ears
  2. tongue
  3. head
  4. shoulders
  5. teeth
  6. stomach
  7. nose
  8. cheeks
  9. feet

20 Clues: earsheadarmshairlegsnecknosefeeteyeshipshandsteethkneesmouthtonguecheeksstomachforeheadeyebrowsshoulders

Body parts 2022-04-10

Body parts crossword puzzle
  1. you have got these at the end of your legs
  2. it's between the arm and hand
  3. they are over your eyes
  4. you have 5 on each hand
  5. it's inside your neck
  6. it's between your shoulders and head
  7. you have got 1 in the middle of your face
  8. it's in the middle of your leg
  9. it's between the foot and the leg
  10. you have these on the side of your body
  11. you have 2 on the side of your back
  1. it's in the middle of your arm
  2. you have these on your mouth
  3. you have got 2 in your face
  4. you should these to walk
  5. you have 5 on each foot
  6. you use these for biting and chewing
  7. the flat part of the face above the eyes
  8. it's the front of the head
  9. you have 2 at the end of your arms
  10. it's inside the mouth
  11. they protect the top of your fingers
  12. you use these to hear
  13. it's behind you
  14. you move this when you speak
  15. it's on your neck

26 Clues: it's behind youit's on your neckit's inside the mouthit's inside your neckyou use these to hearyou have 5 on each footthey are over your eyesyou have 5 on each handyou should these to walkit's the front of the headyou have got 2 in your faceyou have these on your mouthyou move this when you speakit's between the arm and hand...

Body parts 2022-07-13

Body parts crossword puzzle
  1. ямочка
  2. язик
  3. гомілка
  4. спина
  5. лікоть
  6. плече
  7. щока
  8. щиколотка
  9. стегно, ляшка
  10. зап'ястя
  11. ніготь на пальці на нозі
  12. п'ятка
  13. живіт
  1. зрачок
  2. рот
  3. вуса
  4. лоб
  5. риже
  6. вії
  7. лисий
  8. кучеряве
  9. зуби
  10. шия
  11. талія
  12. долоня

25 Clues: ротлобвіїшиявусаязикрижещоказубиспинаплечелисийталіяживітзрачокямочкалікотьп'яткадолонягомілкакучерявезап'ястящиколоткастегно, ляшканіготь на пальці на нозі

Body parts 2022-05-23

Body parts crossword puzzle
  1. You wear a scarf or a necklace around it
  2. Finger on your leg
  3. Part from the shoulder to the hand
  4. Rama
  5. Nos
  6. Trepalnica
  7. The part between the foot and the leg
  8. Hrbet
  9. You use it for eating
  10. Two are on the forhead above your eyes
  11. The part at the top of your body
  12. Koža
  1. The strongest muscle in your body
  2. You have two and use them for listening
  3. Kost
  4. Trebuh
  5. You give kisses with them
  6. You have two and use them for watching
  7. Noga
  8. Growing from the head, girls wear it longer
  9. Komolec
  10. The part below the elbow
  11. Koleno
  12. You have many in your mouth
  13. Inside your head, you need it for thinking

25 Clues: NosKostRamaNogaKožaHrbetTrebuhKolenoKomolecTrepalnicaFinger on your legYou use it for eatingThe part below the elbowYou give kisses with themYou have many in your mouthThe part at the top of your bodyThe strongest muscle in your bodyPart from the shoulder to the handThe part between the foot and the legYou have two and use them for watching...

Body Parts 2021-12-24

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. The rear surface of the human body from the shoulders to the hips.
  2. The small projection in which the mammary ducts of female mammals terminate and from which milk can be secreted.
  3. Five digits at the end of the human foot.
  4. The internal organ in which the major part of the digestion of food occurs.
  5. Found in the jaws, and helps breakdown food.
  6. The joint between the forearm and the upper arm
  7. A person's armpit.
  8. The physical structure of a person or an animal, including the bones, flesh, and organs.
  9. The front surface of a person's or animal's body between the neck and the abdomen.
  1. Part of the human hand between the bases of the fingers and the wrist.
  2. The protruding part of the face below the mouth, formed by the apex of the lower jaw.
  3. The front of the neck, or the space inside the neck down which food and air can go.
  4. The joint connecting the foot with the leg.
  5. The lower extremity of the leg below the ankle, on which a person stands or walks
  6. Five jointed parts attached to either hand
  7. Enables seeing
  8. The upper joint of the human arm and the part of the body between this and the neck.
  9. Enables tasting and licking
  10. Enables hearing
  11. The joint between the thigh and the lower leg in humans.
  12. Grows on a person's head or body

21 Clues: Enables seeingEnables hearingA person's armpit.Enables tasting and lickingGrows on a person's head or bodyFive digits at the end of the human foot.Five jointed parts attached to either handThe joint connecting the foot with the leg.Found in the jaws, and helps breakdown food.The joint between the forearm and the upper arm...

Body Parts 2022-02-14

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. Mejillas
  2. Manos
  3. Pelo
  4. Pulmones
  5. Higado
  6. Frente
  7. Corazon
  8. Dedo Pulgar
  9. Oreja
  10. Garganta
  11. Dientes
  12. Cejas
  13. Unas
  14. Ojos
  15. Cerebro
  16. Pierna
  17. Rodilla
  18. Estomago
  19. Pies
  1. Cabeza
  2. Barbilla
  3. Hombros
  4. Nariz
  5. Brazo
  6. Cara
  7. Pompi
  8. Dedos de los Pies
  9. Codo
  10. Lengua
  11. Caderas
  12. Cuerpo
  13. Columna Vertebral
  14. Espalda
  15. Labios
  16. Cuello
  17. Pie

36 Clues: PiePeloCaraCodoUnasOjosPiesManosNarizBrazoPompiOrejaCejasCabezaHigadoFrenteLenguaCuerpoPiernaLabiosCuelloHombrosCorazonDientesCaderasCerebroEspaldaRodillaMejillasBarbillaPulmonesGargantaEstomagoDedo PulgarDedos de los PiesColumna Vertebral

BODY PARTS 2022-02-13

BODY PARTS crossword puzzle
  1. KUMIS
  2. MULUT
  6. DADA
  8. PERUT
  9. KAKI
  10. LUTUT
  11. LEHER
  12. TUMIT
  1. GIGI
  2. DAGU
  3. MATA
  4. BAHU
  6. PAHA
  7. WAJAH
  10. HIDUNG
  11. PIPI
  12. LIDAH
  14. RAMBUT


BODY PARTS 2022-11-19

BODY PARTS crossword puzzle
  1. The part of your body that is opposite to the front, from your shoulders to your bottom
  2. The part of the human face which people smell and breathe.
  3. Either side of the face below the eye.
  4. The bend or joint of the human arm between upper arm and forearm.
  5. The organ in your chest that sends the blood around your body
  6. The large, soft piece of flesh in the mouth that you can move, and is used for tasting, speaking
  7. The joint (= place where two bones are connected) between the foot and the leg, or the thin part of the leg just above the foot
  8. Each of the limbs on which a person or animal walks and stands.
  9. One of a set of hard, bonelike structures in the mouth
  10. The part of the body at the end of the arm which is used for holding, moving, touching, and feeling things.
  11. The part of the human body between the neck and upper arm.
  1. A part of the body between the stomach and the neck, containing the heart and lungs
  2. The upper limb of the human body, especially the part extending from the shoulder to the wrist.
  3. The joint of the leg that allows for movement
  4. The part of the body at the bottom of the leg on which a person or animal stands
  5. The fleshy muscular back part of the human leg between the knee and ankle.
  6. The organ inside the head that controls thought, memory, feelings, and activity
  7. the uppermost part of the body, containing the brain and the eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and jaws.
  8. The part of  a body that connects the head with the body.
  9. The aggregation of numerous filaments, covering the human head.
  10. The organ of sight
  11. One of the two soft parts that form the upper and lower edges of the mouth
  12. An organ in the body where food is digested

23 Clues: The organ of sightEither side of the face below the eye.An organ in the body where food is digestedThe joint of the leg that allows for movementOne of a set of hard, bonelike structures in the mouthThe part of  a body that connects the head with the body.The part of the human face which people smell and breathe....

Body Parts 2021-05-03

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. rodilla
  2. frente
  3. cerebro
  4. cintura
  5. talón
  6. estomago
  7. higado
  8. traquea
  9. codo
  10. boca
  1. pie
  2. riñones
  3. ceja
  4. barbilla
  5. corazón
  6. brazo
  7. dedo del pie
  8. pecho
  9. pulmones
  10. mejilla

20 Clues: piecejacodobocabrazotalónpechofrentehigadorodillariñonescerebrocorazóncinturatraqueamejillabarbillaestomagopulmonesdedo del pie

Body Parts 2022-10-23

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. Smokers risk getting a … cancer
  2. Barbie’s dimensions are 92-46-84. 46 is ...
  3. Women put mascara on their …
  4. Another name for «Oriental» dance
  5. You wear a bracelet or a watch around it
  6. Fingers on your feet
  7. Football player can’t touch the ball with his/her …
  8. I can hardly speak, a have a soar …
  9. The singular form of «teeth»
  10. Don’t try to lift the piano, or you will hurt your …
  11. Women wear pearls around it
  12. In Latin dance you need to learn how to move your …
  13. The red liquid that runs in your veins
  1. A part of a finger, a joint
  2. The plural of «calf»
  3. Is made out of bones
  4. Gothic people wear black colour on their ..
  5. Do you prefer men with a … or a moustache?
  6. If you twerk, you move your …
  7. The «like» symbol is a … up
  8. If you eat too much, your … might hurt
  9. You breathe air in and out through your …
  10. In KFC: A chicken wing or a chicken..?
  11. I will never forgive you unless you beg on your …
  12. Kings/queens wear a crown on it
  13. If you have short …., you can’t run fast

26 Clues: The plural of «calf»Is made out of bonesFingers on your feetA part of a finger, a jointThe «like» symbol is a … upWomen wear pearls around itWomen put mascara on their …The singular form of «teeth»If you twerk, you move your …Smokers risk getting a … cancerKings/queens wear a crown on itAnother name for «Oriental» dance...

Body Parts 2020-06-15

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. Sometimes these have freckles on them, and they pop out when you smile
  2. It's a big space above your eyebrows and below your hair
  3. If this body part gets too dry, you'll likely put some chapstick on
  4. The two hairy worms above the eyes
  5. The 10 wiggly things on your hands
  6. Connects the foot to the leg
  7. You eat with it and sing with it and talk with it
  8. The front surface below your neck and above your stomach
  9. These show if you wear a tank top
  10. It is below your mouth and connected to your jawline
  11. Used for hearing, you have two on the side of your head
  1. Owls can turn this body part 360° around, and we cannot
  2. You probably can't lick it!
  3. Some are stronger than others, and it is used to smell
  4. The little hole in the middle of the belly
  5. This is the extension body part for your hand
  6. Slipping some boots on your ____ is a good idea if it's raining
  7. These usually have to bend if you want to sit on the ground or in a chair
  8. The ten wiggly piggies on your feet
  9. This body part contains your palm and knuckles
  10. It is much easier to sleep if you close these two things on your face
  11. Thankfully, this body part is the keeper of the brain

22 Clues: You probably can't lick it!Connects the foot to the legThese show if you wear a tank topThe two hairy worms above the eyesThe 10 wiggly things on your handsThe ten wiggly piggies on your feetThe little hole in the middle of the bellyThis is the extension body part for your handThis body part contains your palm and knuckles...

Body parts 2019-05-11

Body parts crossword puzzle
  1. hair
  2. cheek
  3. arm
  4. teeth
  5. neck
  6. finger
  7. nose
  8. mouth
  9. foot
  10. knee
  11. hand
  12. toes
  1. ankle
  2. leg
  3. back
  4. eye
  5. throat
  6. chin
  7. face
  8. tooth
  9. feet
  10. ear

22 Clues: legeyearmearhairbackneckchinfacenosefootfeetkneehandtoesanklecheekteethtoothmouththroatfinger

BODY PARTS 2019-03-20

BODY PARTS crossword puzzle
  1. jalalaba
  2. jalalabad
  3. juuksed
  4. käsivars
  5. õlg
  6. hammas
  7. nina
  8. põlv
  9. silm
  10. pea
  11. keha
  1. nägu
  2. kõrv
  3. sõrm
  4. suu
  5. hambad
  6. varvas
  7. kael
  8. jalg
  9. käelaba

20 Clues: suuõlgpeanägukõrvsõrmninakaeljalgpõlvsilmkehahammashambadvarvasjuuksedkäelabajalalabakäsivarsjalalabad

BODY PARTS 2019-04-15

BODY PARTS crossword puzzle
  1. нос
  2. рот
  3. ступня
  4. голова
  5. грудь
  6. плечо
  7. палец на руке
  8. локоть
  9. колено
  10. рука
  11. волосы
  12. шея
  1. живот
  2. пальцы на ногах
  3. бровь
  4. нога
  5. глаз
  6. спина
  7. ухо
  8. ладонь

20 Clues: носротухошеяногаглазрукаживотгрудьбровьплечоспинаступняголовалокотьколеноволосыладоньпалец на рукепальцы на ногах

Body parts 2019-02-21

Body parts crossword puzzle
  1. Kulnas
  2. Pėda
  3. Rankų pirštai
  4. Liežuvis
  5. Barzda
  6. Dantys
  7. Blakstienos
  8. Kaklas
  9. Petys
  10. Rankos
  11. Ausys
  12. Kojų pirštai
  13. Kūnas
  1. Kojos
  2. Plaukai
  3. Burna
  4. Pėdos
  5. Ūsai
  6. Kelis
  7. Antakiai
  8. Kakta
  9. Skruostas
  10. Galva
  11. Veidas
  12. Nosis
  13. Krūtinė
  14. Lūpos
  15. Akys
  16. Plaštaka

29 Clues: PėdaŪsaiAkysKojosBurnaPėdosKelisKaktaGalvaNosisPetysLūposAusysKūnasKulnasBarzdaDantysVeidasKaklasRankosPlaukaiKrūtinėAntakiaiLiežuvisPlaštakaSkruostasBlakstienosKojų pirštaiRankų pirštai

Body Parts 2019-11-04

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. お腹
  2. 眉毛
  3. 睫毛
  4. おでこ
  1. ほっぺた
  2. 太もも
  3. 髪の毛

27 Clues: お腹眉毛睫毛太ももおでこ髪の毛ほっぺた

BODY PARTS 2020-02-02

BODY PARTS crossword puzzle
  1. nožni prst
  2. bedro
  3. palac
  4. peta
  5. uho
  6. čelo
  7. rame
  8. koljeno
  9. jezik
  10. struk
  1. brada
  2. stopalo
  3. trbuh
  4. obraz
  5. kosa
  6. noga
  7. obrve
  8. gležanj
  9. vrat
  10. bokovi
  11. nokat

21 Clues: uhokosapetanogačelovratramebradatrbuhobrazbedropalacobrvejeziknokatstrukbokovistopalogležanjkoljenonožni prst

body parts 2020-10-22

body parts crossword puzzle
  1. bone in the neck that holds the tongue
  2. the back side view of the body
  3. bones are cube-shaped
  4. twelve pairs form the walls of the bony thorax
  5. ragged break occurs when excessive twisting
  6. is the only bone in the thigh
  7. is formed by two sets of bones
  8. pelvis is superior to the true pelvis
  9. bones of the limbs and girdles that connect to the axial
  10. bone that forms the forehead
  11. bone breaks into three or more fragments
  12. bones of a skeleton are part of a system
  13. is formed by the fusion of five vertebrae
  1. broken bone portion pressed inward
  2. bone is crushed
  3. bone has holes and allows blood to travel
  4. bones that do not fit in a categories
  5. ribs that do not attach to the sternum
  6. broken one ends are forced into each other
  7. the last two pairs of false ribs lack the sternal attachments
  8. (breastbone)is a typical flat bone
  9. the front view of the body
  10. bone breaks incompletely happens to kids
  11. is the most anterior and inferior part of a coxal bone
  12. bones that are flattened
  13. bones lie inferior to the parietal bones
  14. bone is dense and smooth
  15. bone that a longer and wide
  16. blood-filled swelling, or bruise
  17. forming the posterior half of the foot is composed of seven tarsal bones

30 Clues: bone is crushedbones are cube-shapedbones that are flattenedbone is dense and smooththe front view of the bodybone that a longer and widebone that forms the foreheadis the only bone in the thighthe back side view of the bodyis formed by two sets of bonesblood-filled swelling, or bruisebroken bone portion pressed inward...

Body Parts 2020-04-21

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. the sole
  2. the lip
  3. the cheek
  4. the fingers
  5. the tounge
  6. the leg
  7. the wrist
  8. the nose
  9. the eyes
  10. the heart
  11. the knee
  12. the palm
  13. the heel
  14. the shoulder
  15. the neck
  16. the gallbladder
  17. the kidney
  18. the pancreas
  19. the hand
  20. the toe
  21. the blood
  22. the abdomen
  23. the vein
  24. the toenail
  25. the chin
  26. the buttocks
  27. the thumb
  28. the skin
  29. the throat
  30. the waist
  31. the nerve
  32. the chest
  1. the lung
  2. the ears
  3. the muscle
  4. the artery
  5. the eyebrow
  6. the liver
  7. the brain
  8. the bladder
  9. the teeth
  10. the intestines
  11. the thigh
  12. the hip
  13. the hair
  14. the bone
  15. the skull
  16. the ankle
  17. the stomach
  18. the gums
  19. the elbow
  20. the head
  21. the eyelashes
  22. the eyelid
  23. the jaw
  24. the mouth
  25. the back
  26. the calf
  27. the forehead
  28. the throat
  29. the arm

61 Clues: the lipthe legthe hipthe jawthe toethe armthe solethe lungthe earsthe nosethe eyesthe kneethe palmthe heelthe hairthe bonethe neckthe gumsthe handthe headthe veinthe backthe chinthe skinthe calfthe cheekthe wristthe liverthe brainthe heartthe teeththe thighthe skullthe anklethe elbowthe bloodthe mouththe thumbthe waistthe nervethe chestthe muscle...

body parts 2020-04-19

body parts crossword puzzle
  1. leg
  2. ear
  3. navel
  4. elbow
  5. knee
  6. toe
  7. chest
  8. mouth
  9. hand
  10. wrist
  11. arm
  1. finger
  2. eye
  3. foot
  4. ankle
  5. neck
  6. stomach
  7. thumb
  8. shoulder
  9. hair
  10. nose

21 Clues: legeareyetoearmfootneckkneehandhairnosenavelankleelbowchestthumbmouthwristfingerstomachshoulder

body parts 2020-11-13

body parts crossword puzzle
  1. we taste this is
  2. you can perceive sounds
  3. main part of human body
  4. you can see movies
  5. you can wear accesories like hat
  6. this covers the body
  7. it hurts when you don't like food
  8. where can you wear scarft
  9. we kiss with this
  1. you can walk with this
  2. we smell with this
  3. where the legs bend
  4. can be long or short dark or light
  5. you use them to give a hug
  6. part of the arm
  7. you can chow these
  8. you can catch the objects
  9. it is located above the eyes
  10. your hand has five
  11. we walk of these

20 Clues: part of the armwe taste this iswe walk of thesewe kiss with thiswe smell with thisyou can chow theseyou can see moviesyour hand has fivewhere the legs bendthis covers the bodyyou can walk with thisyou can perceive soundsmain part of human bodyyou can catch the objectswhere can you wear scarftyou use them to give a hugit is located above the eyes...

Body Parts 2023-01-02

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. 125-
  2. 129
  3. 113
  4. 170-
  5. 116-1
  6. 110
  7. 101
  8. 114
  9. 130
  1. 176
  2. 116
  3. 102
  4. 117
  5. 155
  6. 122
  7. 169
  8. 120
  9. 124
  10. 166
  11. 104

20 Clues: 176116129113102117155110122169120124101114166104130125-170-116-1

Body Parts 2023-05-15

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. espalda
  2. Codo
  3. Nariz
  4. Pie
  5. Cabello
  6. Mentón
  7. Pestaña
  8. Bigote
  9. Pecho
  10. Ojo
  11. Cara
  12. Tobillo
  13. Barba
  14. Talón
  15. Diente
  16. Brazo
  1. muñeca
  2. Rodilla
  3. Boca
  4. Antebrazo
  5. Frente
  6. labio
  7. estómago
  8. Pies
  9. Mejilla
  10. Ceja
  11. Oreja
  12. Pierna
  13. Cuello
  14. Cabeza

30 Clues: PieOjoBocaCodoPiesCejaCaraNarizlabioPechoOrejaBarbaTalónBrazomuñecaFrenteMentónBigotePiernaCuelloDienteCabezaespaldaRodillaCabelloMejillaPestañaTobilloestómagoAntebrazo

Body parts 2023-02-09

Body parts crossword puzzle
  1. an organ you think with
  2. place where the sounds are produced
  3. the hair that some men allow to grow on their face
  4. the front of the head, where the eyes, nose, and mouth are
  5. the part of the body that joins the head to the shoulders
  6. the middle part of the leg that allows it to bend
  7. the line of short hairs above each eye in humans
  8. the part of the body of a person where the arm joins the body
  9. you have two of them too, but you use them to listen
  10. white objects in the mouth you use to bite and chew food
  11. the natural layer that covers a person or animal
  12. the short, thick finger on the side of your hand
  13. the part of the face that sticks out above the mouth, through which you breathe and smell
  14. the part of the body you use to walk with
  15. it grows on your head and skin
  1. the red liquid that is sent around the body by the heart, and carries oxygen and important substances to organs and removes waste products
  2. organs you can train
  3. fingers on your legs
  4. the joint between the foot and the leg
  5. you point with it at someone and it is considered impolite
  6. you have two of them and use them to see
  7. the upper front part of the body of humans
  8. the part of the body at the bottom of the leg on which a person stands
  9. the soft part of the body of a person or animal that is between the skin and the bones
  10. the part of your body that carries your bag
  11. place where two bones are connected
  12. the part of the body you use hug another person
  13. an organ in your chest
  14. an organ in the body where food goes
  15. the part of the body that is used for holding, moving, touching, and feeling things
  16. hard parts inside a human that make up its main structure
  17. the part of a person's face below their mouth

32 Clues: organs you can trainfingers on your legsan organ in your chestan organ you think withit grows on your head and skinplace where the sounds are producedplace where two bones are connectedan organ in the body where food goesthe joint between the foot and the legyou have two of them and use them to seethe part of the body you use to walk with...

Body Parts 2023-02-23

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. A body part you use to put shoes on
  2. A body part kids tend to put in their nose
  3. other people step on to get rid of pain
  4. Something you see when you look in the mirror
  5. Something that is between your head and body
  6. what you use to swing a bat
  7. what you swallow food with
  8. A body part that beats
  9. something you close when going to sleep
  10. connected to your arm
  1. A area girls show a lot with most shirts
  2. something you wash after using the restroom
  3. Something a dentist cleans
  4. what boogers come out of
  5. something in your mouth you brush besides teeth
  6. a body part connected to your foot
  7. what others tend to shrug at other people
  8. what you chew food with
  9. what growls in the morning when u wake up
  10. something a man gets on to propose

20 Clues: connected to your armA body part that beatswhat you chew food withwhat boogers come out ofSomething a dentist cleanswhat you swallow food withwhat you use to swing a bata body part connected to your footsomething a man gets on to proposeA body part you use to put shoes onother people step on to get rid of painsomething you close when going to sleep...

Body Parts 2023-01-25

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. big mouth
  2. eye
  3. knee
  4. long hair
  5. mouth
  6. hair
  7. fingers
  8. shoulder
  9. teeth
  10. woman
  11. foot
  12. bottom
  1. eye glasses
  2. beard
  3. mustache
  4. hand
  5. man
  6. head
  7. ear
  8. nose
  9. toes
  10. short hair
  11. stomach

23 Clues: eyemanearkneehandheadhairnosetoesfootbeardmouthteethwomanbottomfingersstomachmustacheshoulderbig mouthlong hairshort haireye glasses

Body Parts 2023-06-07

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. The upper part of the body, containing the brain, eyes, ears, nose, and mouth.
  2. The digits at the end of the foot.
  3. The protruding part of the lower face below the mouth.
  4. The organ in the body where food is digested.
  5. The lower limbs of the body, used for standing, walking, and running.
  6. The front part of the head that includes the eyes, nose, mouth, and chin.
  7. The organs of hearing, located on either side of the head.
  8. The fleshy, movable parts forming the edge of the mouth.
  9. The joints between the thighs and the lower legs, allowing for bending and straightening of the legs.
  10. The muscular organ in the mouth used for tasting, swallowing, and speaking.
  11. The limbs on either side of the body, extending from the shoulders to the hands.
  1. The hard structures in the mouth used for biting and chewing food.
  2. The lower extremities of the legs, used for standing, walking, and running.
  3. The short, thick finger on the side of the hand, opposite the other fingers.
  4. The organ on the face used for smelling and breathing.
  5. The part of the body where the arms are attached, between the neck and the upper arms.
  6. The body parts at the end of the arms, consisting of the palms and fingers.
  7. The organs of sight, located on the face.
  8. The part of the body located on the opposite side of the chest, between the neck and the waist.
  9. The opening in the face through which food is taken in and words are spoken.
  10. The slender appendages at the end of the hands, used for gripping and manipulating objects.
  11. The part of the body that connects the head to the rest of the torso.

22 Clues: The digits at the end of the foot.The organs of sight, located on the face.The organ in the body where food is digested.The protruding part of the lower face below the mouth.The organ on the face used for smelling and breathing.The fleshy, movable parts forming the edge of the mouth.The organs of hearing, located on either side of the head....

Body Parts 2023-06-17

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. - One of the digits on the foot
  2. - Covers the head
  3. - Opening for eating and speaking
  4. - Connects the head to the body
  5. - Joint in the middle of the leg
  6. - One of the digits on the hand
  7. - Joint connecting the arm to the body
  8. - Lower limb
  9. - Sensory organ for hearing
  1. - Lower part of the leg used for walking
  2. - Rear part of the torso
  3. - Upper limb
  4. - Upper front part of the torso
  5. - Joint in the middle of the arm
  6. - Top part of the body
  7. - Part of the arm used for gripping
  8. - Hard structures used for biting and chewing
  9. - Organ for smelling
  10. - Surrounds the opening of the mouth
  11. - Sensory organ for sight

20 Clues: - Upper limb- Lower limb- Covers the head- Organ for smelling- Top part of the body- Rear part of the torso- Sensory organ for sight- Sensory organ for hearing- One of the digits on the foot- Upper front part of the torso- Connects the head to the body- One of the digits on the hand- Joint in the middle of the arm- Joint in the middle of the leg...

BODY PARTS 2022-12-14

BODY PARTS crossword puzzle
  1. PICTURE 7
  2. PICTURE 15
  3. PICTURE 21
  4. PICTURE 6
  5. PICTURE 8
  6. PICTURE 5
  7. PICTURE 20
  8. PICTURE 3
  9. PICTURE 12
  10. PICTURE 13
  11. PICTURE 1
  12. PICTURE 10
  1. PICTURE 19
  2. PICTURE 23
  3. PICTURE 22
  4. PICTURE 11
  5. PICTURE 14
  6. PICTURE 16
  7. PICTURE 2
  8. PICTURE 9
  9. PICTURE 18
  10. PICTURE 17
  11. PICTURE 4


Body parts 2023-11-30

Body parts crossword puzzle
  1. sprinkle in cold weather.
  2. allows you to bend and straighten the leg.
  3. part of the body on which we walk.
  4. papēdis.
  5. plauksta
  6. protects the heart and lungs.
  7. Part of the face responsible for talking, eating, and breathing.
  8. locītavas.
  9. ikri
  10. helps taste the flavors.
  11. 7,5 m long, organ is in the stomach.
  12. conducts air to the lungs and food to the stomach.
  13. artērijas
  14. responsible for hearing.
  15. protects eye.
  16. elkonis.
  17. pleci
  18. protective covering on the tip of a finger or toe.
  19. gurni.
  20. augšstilbs
  21. muskulis
  22. controls thinking, feelings, is in the head.
  23. piere
  1. protects brain.
  2. provides breathing.
  3. vaigi.
  4. back bone.
  5. rādītājpirksts
  6. aknas
  7. smaganas
  8. īkšķis.
  9. viduklis
  10. Organ responsible for pumping blood throughout the body.
  11. located under the mouth.
  12. sight sphere.
  13. bean shaped organ.
  14. vēders
  15. have nails.
  16. 20 foot bones.
  17. uzacis.
  18. mati
  19. helps chrew the food.
  20. connects the foot to the leg.
  21. facial bones.
  22. the part of the body that connects to the head.
  23. provides movement and balance.
  24. vēnas
  25. red liquid
  26. facial feature used for smelling.
  27. kājas lils

50 Clues: ikrimatiaknasvēnasplecipierevaigi.vēdersgurni.īkšķis.uzacis.smaganasviduklispapēdis.plaukstaelkonis.muskulisartērijasback bone.locī liquidkājas lilsaugšstilbshave nails.sight sphere.facial bones.protects eye.rādītājpirksts20 foot bones.protects brain.bean shaped organ.provides breathing.helps chrew the food.located under the mouth....

Body Parts 2023-09-17

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. It is responsable for your sense of smell.
  2. Your voice comes out of it when you talk
  3. You bend them when you squat.
  4. You can't walk without them.
  5. Where our brain is.
  6. It helps you to taste things.
  7. It growls when we're hungry.
  8. One of mine has lots of tattoos.
  9. They help us to write.
  1. They carry our backpacks
  2. Some people have a lot of pain in theirs.
  3. They allow you to see things.
  4. Where your heart is.
  5. You put shoes on them.
  6. You should brush them 3 times a day.
  7. It is between your head and your shoulders.
  8. They stay in our feet.
  9. They love music.
  10. They grab things
  11. Some people have long, some people have short, and some people don't have any!

20 Clues: They love music.They grab thingsWhere our brain is.Where your heart is.You put shoes on them.They stay in our feet.They help us to write.They carry our backpacksYou can't walk without them.It growls when we're hungry.They allow you to see things.You bend them when you squat.It helps you to taste things.One of mine has lots of tattoos....

Body Parts 2023-10-10

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. The part of your body at the end of your arm with fingers for gripping and grabbing objects .
  2. The soft tissue in our bodies that helps us move by contracting or relaxing .
  3. One of the five small digits at the end of each foot. They help with balance and provide support while walking or running .
  4. An organ in your head used for seeing things around you. You have two eyes which help create depth perception .
  5. The joint connecting your hand to your arm. It allows movement for activities like writing or playing instruments .
  6. The long part of your body that extends from the hip to the foot. You use it for walking, running, and jumping .
  7. The upper part of your body that contains your brain, eyes, nose, and mouth. It's where you think and feel things .
  8. The lower part of your leg that you stand on. It helps you balance and walk or run on different surfaces .
  9. The long part of your body that extends from the shoulder to the hand. You use it to reach and hold things .
  10. The narrow part connecting the head with the rest of the body. It allows movement for turning or nodding .
  11. The front area between your neck and abdomen. It protects important organs like the heart and lungs .
  12. A facial feature above the mouth used for smelling odors and breathing air into our bodies .
  13. The rear side of your body opposite to the chest. It supports you when sitting or standing upright .
  1. The part of your body between your neck and upper arm. You use it to carry bags or raise your hand .
  2. The joint in the middle of your leg that allows it to bend. You use it for activities like walking, running, and jumping .
  3. The opening in our face with lips where we eat food, talk, taste flavors, and smile .
  4. A sensory organ on each side of your head used for hearing sounds around you .
  5. The joint between the upper and lower parts of your arm. It allows you to bend and straighten your arm .
  6. The joint connecting your foot to your leg. It helps you move your foot up and down or side to side .
  7. The organ in your body where food is digested. It's located in the middle area below the chest .

20 Clues: The soft tissue in our bodies that helps us move by contracting or relaxing .A sensory organ on each side of your head used for hearing sounds around you .The opening in our face with lips where we eat food, talk, taste flavors, and smile .A facial feature above the mouth used for smelling odors and breathing air into our bodies ....

BODY PARTS 2023-10-29

BODY PARTS crossword puzzle
  2. LUTUT
  3. LEHER
  5. BAHU
  7. PERUT
  8. DADA
  10. HIDUNG
  2. BIBIR
  8. SIKU
  9. MULUT
  12. DAGU


Body Parts 2024-01-25

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. Se usa para comer
  2. Está debajo de labios
  3. The head sits on it
  4. Está en la boca
  5. Se usa para hablar
  6. It is next to the nose
  7. It connects the arms to the body
  8. The pants hold on to it
  9. Se usa para escuchar
  1. Se usa para oler
  2. It is above the eyebrows
  3. Está encima de el cuello
  4. Está encima de los ojos
  5. Se usa para ver
  6. Es debajo de nariz
  7. It is used to hold things
  8. It connects the hand and arm
  9. The hand is attached to it
  10. It is in the head
  11. It is on the eyelids

20 Clues: Se usa para verEstá en la bocaSe usa para olerSe usa para comerIt is in the headEs debajo de narizSe usa para hablarThe head sits on itIt is on the eyelidsSe usa para escucharEstá debajo de labiosIt is next to the noseEstá encima de los ojosThe pants hold on to itIt is above the eyebrowsEstá encima de el cuelloIt is used to hold things...

Body Parts 2024-01-25

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. The hand is attached to it
  2. Es debajo de nariz
  3. Está en la boca
  4. It connects the arms to the body
  5. It connects the hand and arm
  6. The pants hold on to it
  7. It is in the middle of the leg
  8. Se usa para oler
  9. Se usa para comer
  10. It is in the head
  11. It is on the eyelids
  1. Está encima de el cuello
  2. Está debajo de labios
  3. Se usa para escuchar
  4. The head sits on it
  5. It is above the eyebrows
  6. Se usa para hablar
  7. Se usa para ver
  8. It is next to the nose
  9. It is used to hold things
  10. Está encima de los ojos

21 Clues: Está en la bocaSe usa para verSe usa para olerSe usa para comerIt is in the headEs debajo de narizSe usa para hablarThe head sits on itSe usa para escucharIt is on the eyelidsEstá debajo de labiosIt is next to the noseThe pants hold on to itEstá encima de los ojosEstá encima de el cuelloIt is above the eyebrowsIt is used to hold things...

Body parts 2024-02-02

Body parts crossword puzzle
  1. otsa
  2. rinta
  3. leuka
  4. käsivarsi
  5. kaula, niska
  6. selkä
  7. jalka
  8. pää
  9. poski
  10. ranne
  11. peppu
  1. sormi
  2. käsi
  3. maha
  4. olkapää
  5. varvas
  6. nilkka
  7. kynsi
  8. polvi
  9. kyynärpää
  10. jalkaterä

21 Clues: pääotsakäsimahasormirintaleukakynsipolviselkäjalkaposkirannepeppuvarvasnilkkaolkapääkäsivarsikyynärpääjalkateräkaula, niska

BODY PARTS 2024-04-29

BODY PARTS crossword puzzle
  1. YUZ
  2. SUYAK
  3. OYOQ
  4. TIL
  6. KO'Z
  7. BURUN
  8. TISH
  9. OYOQ
  10. BOSH
  11. QOSH
  12. TIZZA
  13. KIPRIK
  14. TERI
  15. LAB
  17. TANA
  1. KO'KRAK
  2. OG'IZ
  5. QO'L PAST
  7. BO'YIN
  9. QULOQ
  10. YANOQ
  12. BEL
  13. TIRNOQ
  14. SOCH
  16. YELKA


body parts 2024-04-24

body parts crossword puzzle
  1. Bald means you don't have any
  2. Sensitive when things get loud
  3. Use it to think
  4. Joint in your arm
  5. Between arm and chest
  6. Also a young cow
  7. You have 2 on your face
  8. Walk on these
  9. Run with it
  10. Wave
  11. Mascara
  12. Tasty
  1. Attached to your foot
  2. A giraffe has a long one
  3. Smile
  4. You see with these
  5. Used to swallow
  6. It hurts when you're hungry
  7. Torn ACL
  8. Kiss
  9. Behind you
  10. The middle one is a bad gesture
  11. You sit on it
  12. Used to chew
  13. Sniff

25 Clues: KissWaveSmileSniffTastyMascaraTorn ACLBehind youRun with itUsed to chewYou sit on itWalk on theseUsed to swallowUse it to thinkAlso a young cowJoint in your armYou see with theseAttached to your footBetween arm and chestYou have 2 on your faceA giraffe has a long oneIt hurts when you're hungryBald means you don't have any...

Body parts 2024-07-30

Body parts crossword puzzle
  1. 21
  2. 10
  3. 2
  4. 4
  5. 7
  6. 25
  7. 15
  8. 22
  9. 19
  10. 1
  11. 16
  12. 14
  13. 18
  1. 13
  2. 9
  3. 20
  4. 17
  5. 3
  6. 12
  7. 5
  8. 6
  9. 8
  10. 24
  11. 23
  12. 26
  13. 11

26 Clues: 9243756811321102017122515222419162314261118

Body Parts 2024-09-18

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. pierna
  2. frente
  3. brazos
  4. dedos de los pies
  5. rostro
  6. cuello
  7. lengua
  8. pestañas
  9. estómago
  10. cabeza
  11. labios
  12. hombros
  13. cachetes
  1. dientes
  2. pelo
  3. pie
  4. ojos
  5. dedos
  6. boca
  7. bigote
  8. orejas
  9. pecho
  10. rodilla
  11. nariz
  12. uñas
  13. cejas

26 Clues: piepeloojosbocauñasdedospechonarizcejaspiernafrentebrazosbigoteorejasrostrocuellolenguacabezalabiosdientesrodillahombrospestañasestómagocachetesdedos de los pies

body parts 2024-11-05

body parts crossword puzzle
  1. forehead
  2. face
  3. beard
  4. tummy
  5. throat
  6. brain
  7. waist
  8. elbow
  9. mouth
  10. teeth
  11. shoulder
  1. neck
  2. back
  3. chin
  4. hip
  5. moustache
  6. arm
  7. head
  8. eyebrows
  9. hair

20 Clues: hiparmneckbackchinfaceheadhairbeardtummybrainwaistelbowmouthteeththroatforeheadeyebrowsshouldermoustache

Body parts 2017-01-18

Body parts crossword puzzle
  1. You can smell with this
  2. The joint connecting the foot with the leg
  3. The part of your arm extending from the elbow to the wrist
  4. It's between your thigh and your lower leg
  5. The protruding part of the face below your mouth
  6. The finger on which the wedding ring is usually worn (two words)
  7. The back part of your foot
  8. The joint between the forearm and the upper arm
  9. An informal name for your navel (two words)
  10. You use it to eat and talk
  11. The upper part of the human body
  12. You use these for chewing food
  1. The joint connecting the hand with the forearm
  2. A name for your little finger
  3. The part at the back of your leg, below the knee
  4. The strip of hair growing above your eyes
  5. You may use this digit to point at someone
  6. You use it for tasting, licking and articulating speech
  7. You need two of these to clap
  8. Curved hairs, growing on the edges of your eyelids (plural)
  9. The front of the leg below the knee
  10. It connects your head to the rest of your body
  11. The largest toe of the human foot (two words)
  12. You use them to kiss and whistle (plural)
  13. Probably the shortest digit in your hand
  14. The part of the human leg between the hip and the knee

26 Clues: You can smell with thisThe back part of your footYou use it to eat and talkA name for your little fingerYou need two of these to clapYou use these for chewing foodThe upper part of the human bodyThe front of the leg below the kneeProbably the shortest digit in your handThe strip of hair growing above your eyes...

Body parts 2024-11-06

Body parts crossword puzzle
  1. The bad guy in the Lion King.
  2. This connects your hand and arm.
  3. This body part holds your heart.
  4. You might lift these if you're amazed.
  5. Used for thinking and headaches.
  6. You stand on it.
  7. The place where your food is digested (=verteerd).
  8. The finger used for good things.
  9. The part where you bend your leg.
  10. What you shrug when you don't care.
  1. "The thinker" (a famous statue of someone sitting down in a "thinking" position), is leaning on his hand with his...
  2. Thirty white horses on a red hill. First they champ, then they stamp, then they stand still.
  3. It comes in all types: curly, straight, wavy, ...
  4. The upper part of your leg.
  5. The part of the leg between the knee and ankle.
  6. Where you wear a belt.
  7. A nice word for "booty".
  8. The fingers of your feet.
  9. If you lift things the wrong way, this body part might hurt.
  10. If you bite them, you have a bad habit.

20 Clues: You stand on it.Where you wear a belt.A nice word for "booty".The fingers of your feet.The upper part of your leg.The bad guy in the Lion King.This connects your hand and arm.This body part holds your heart.Used for thinking and headaches.The finger used for good things.The part where you bend your leg.What you shrug when you don't care....

Body parts 2024-11-12

Body parts crossword puzzle
  1. hår
  2. leppe
  3. hode
  4. hånd
  5. tunge
  6. legg
  7. øyenbryn
  8. kinn
  9. fot
  10. kne
  1. mage
  2. skulder
  3. panne
  4. munn
  5. hel
  6. nese
  7. bryst
  8. thigh
  9. hake
  10. finger
  11. rygg

22 Clues: hårhelfotknemagehodemunnhåndneseleggkinnhakeryggpanneleppetungebrystthighfingerskulderøyenbryn

Body Parts 2020-08-17

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. 20
  2. 8
  3. 6
  4. 15
  5. 9
  6. 5
  7. 3
  8. 16
  9. 12
  10. 10
  11. 13
  1. 18
  2. 17
  3. 1
  4. 7
  5. 2
  6. 19
  7. 11
  8. 14
  9. 4

20 Clues: 8617295341820171519111416121013

BODY PARTS 2020-06-06

BODY PARTS crossword puzzle
  1. I've just hit my ___ and it feels really painful.
  2. They were romantically dancing ___ to ___.
  3. The singular of teeth
  4. The cat tasted the cake with its ___.
  5. It joins your hand and your arm.
  6. They are over your eyes.
  7. He was carrying a heavy backpack on his ___.
  8. She kissed the little girl's ___ and put her to sleep.
  9. She has big green eyes and long golden ___.
  1. He had his arms folded across his ___.
  2. The plural of foot.
  3. The part of your body you sit on.
  4. Messi normally kicks with his left ___.
  5. He got down on one ___ and asked her to marry him.
  6. A person has ten fingers and ten ___.
  7. Please close your ___ for a second and listen!
  8. Angelina Jolie is famous for her full ___.
  9. She was wearing a silk scarf around her ___.
  10. I have eaten too much and have a ___ ache.
  11. You know, Jenny, you've got beautiful ___.

20 Clues: The plural of foot.The singular of teethThey are over your eyes.It joins your hand and your arm.The part of your body you sit on.A person has ten fingers and ten ___.The cat tasted the cake with its ___.He had his arms folded across his ___.Messi normally kicks with his left ___.They were romantically dancing ___ to ___....

BODY PARTS 2020-06-20

BODY PARTS crossword puzzle
  1. BURUN
  3. KOL
  4. EL
  5. DİZ
  7. GÖĞÜS
  8. OMUZ
  9. DİŞ
  1. KARIN
  2. DERİ
  3. BOYUN
  4. ÇENE
  5. YANAK
  6. KAFA
  7. DUDAK
  8. KULAK
  9. AYAK
  10. SAÇ
  11. BACAK
  12. GÖZ


Body Parts 2022-03-27

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. the ankle
  2. the back
  3. the bones
  4. the nose
  5. the hip
  6. the head
  7. the foot
  8. the teeth
  9. the waist
  10. the shoulder
  11. the chest
  12. the arm
  13. the mouth
  14. the ears
  1. the hand
  2. the leg
  3. the forehead
  4. the knee
  5. the toe
  6. the wrist
  7. the finger
  8. the neck
  9. the eyebrows
  10. the elbow
  11. the lips
  12. the stomach
  13. the eyes
  14. the face

28 Clues: the legthe toethe hipthe armthe handthe backthe kneethe nosethe headthe footthe neckthe lipsthe eyesthe facethe earsthe anklethe bonesthe wristthe teeththe elbowthe waistthe chestthe mouththe fingerthe stomachthe foreheadthe eyebrowsthe shoulder

Body parts 2022-02-12

Body parts crossword puzzle
  1. spalla
  2. collo
  3. osso
  4. petto
  5. piede
  6. gomito
  7. mento
  8. caviglia
  9. testa
  10. pollice
  1. dito della mano
  2. bocca
  3. guancia
  4. ginocchio
  5. stomaco
  6. gamba
  7. dito del piede
  8. fronte
  9. schiena
  10. polso
  11. braccio

21 Clues: ossoboccacollogambapettopiedepolsomentotestaspallafrontegomitoguanciastomacoschienabracciopollicecavigliaginocchiodito del piededito della mano

Body parts 2013-09-24

Body parts crossword puzzle
  1. leg
  2. lip
  3. finger
  4. knee
  5. teeth
  6. neck
  7. cheek
  8. eye
  9. thumb
  10. hand
  1. nose
  2. head
  3. face
  4. eyebrow
  5. hair
  6. palm
  7. back
  8. forehead
  9. chest
  10. foot
  11. tongue
  12. ear
  13. chin
  14. elbow
  15. bottom
  16. mouth

26 Clues: leglipeareyenoseheadfacehairpalmbackkneeneckfootchinhandchestteethcheekelbowthumbmouthfingertonguebottomeyebrowforehead

Body parts 2013-10-07

Body parts crossword puzzle
  1. спина
  2. печень
  3. язык
  4. шея
  5. брови
  6. зубы
  7. глаз
  8. плечо
  9. живот
  10. грудь
  11. тело
  12. колени
  13. рот
  14. кожа
  15. голова
  16. ноги
  17. ухо
  1. волосы
  2. нога
  3. рука
  4. палец
  5. ресницы
  6. нос
  7. горло
  8. мышца
  9. зуб
  10. рука
  11. колено
  12. глаза
  13. пальцев
  14. ушки
  15. нога

32 Clues: шеяносзубротухоногарукаязыкзубыглазрукателокожаногиушкиногаспинапалецгорлобровимышцаплечоживотгрудьглазаволосыпеченьколениколеноголоваресницыпальцев

Body Parts 2014-03-05

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. finger
  2. foot
  3. nose
  4. elbow
  5. shoulder
  6. stomach
  7. waist
  8. back
  9. mouth
  10. hand
  1. eye
  2. tooth
  3. leg
  4. arm
  5. knee
  6. ear
  7. cheek
  8. hair
  9. head
  10. tongue

20 Clues: eyelegarmearfootnosekneehairheadbackhandtoothelbowcheekwaistmouthfingertonguestomachshoulder

Body parts 2014-02-23

Body parts crossword puzzle
  1. zub
  2. vlasy
  3. oko
  4. noha
  5. čelo
  6. prst u nohy
  7. paže
  8. obličej
  9. hrudník
  10. záda
  11. ruka
  1. břicho
  2. prst
  3. nos
  4. tvář
  5. rty
  6. hrdlo
  7. hlava
  8. chodidlo
  9. ucho
  10. ústa
  11. krk
  12. koleno
  13. zadek

24 Clues: nosrtyzubokokrkprsttvářnohačelouchopažeústazádarukahrdlohlavavlasyzadekbřichokolenoobličejhrudníkchodidloprst u nohy

Body Parts 2012-12-10

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. the back of your foot
  2. under your mouth
  3. at the bottom of your leg
  4. what you hear with
  5. on top of your neck
  6. there are five of them on your hands
  7. what you can't see
  8. what you shrug when you don't know something
  9. above your hips
  10. where you put your hands when you are mad
  11. what hurts if you eat too much
  12. what gets sore when you are sick
  13. front of your leg, under your knee
  14. the part of your hand that a fortune-teller reads
  15. what you blow when you have a cold
  16. between your ear and your nose
  1. back of your leg, under your knee
  2. there are five of them on your feet
  3. what you raise when you want to speak in class
  4. the top part of your leg
  5. above your eyes
  6. what you put on the table when you are thinking
  7. between your arm and your hand
  8. what you sit on
  9. above your waist
  10. what you bend when you walk
  11. what you can twist when you fall
  12. between your head and your body

28 Clues: above your eyesabove your hipswhat you sit onunder your mouthabove your waistwhat you hear withwhat you can't seeon top of your neckthe back of your footthe top part of your legat the bottom of your legwhat you bend when you walkbetween your arm and your handwhat hurts if you eat too muchbetween your ear and your nosebetween your head and your body...

Body Parts 2013-04-11

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. used to chew your food
  2. organ you use to think
  3. where the air goes through from your nose to your lungs
  4. each part of the spine
  5. where the food is processed
  6. these are large and small
  7. the largest bone of the human body
  8. the openings of the nose
  9. used for covering your eyes
  10. used for kissing
  11. the joint between the leg and foot
  1. the joint between the upper arm and the forearm
  2. the joint between the forearm and hand
  3. inner part of a bone
  4. organ that pumps blood through the body
  5. percieve flavours on the toungue
  6. where you apply deoderant
  7. where you put an earing
  8. if removed you may eat alot of icecream
  9. the organs that process urine

20 Clues: used for kissinginner part of a boneused to chew your foodorgan you use to thinkeach part of the spinewhere you put an earingthe openings of the nosewhere you apply deoderantthese are large and smallwhere the food is processedused for covering your eyesthe organs that process urinepercieve flavours on the tounguethe largest bone of the human body...

Body Parts 2013-02-04

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. picioare
  2. laba piciorului
  3. faţă
  4. ochi (mai mulţi)
  5. guri
  6. braţe
  7. mâini
  8. coadă
  9. picior
  10. dinţi
  11. urechi
  1. labele picioarelor
  2. nas
  3. feţe
  4. dinte
  5. nasuri
  6. ureche
  7. gură
  8. cozi
  9. ochi (doar unul)
  10. mână

21 Clues: nasfaţăfeţegurigurăcozimânădintebraţemâinicoadădinţinasuriurechepiciorurechipicioarelaba picioruluiochi (mai mulţi)ochi (doar unul)labele picioarelor

BODY PARTS 2013-03-02

BODY PARTS crossword puzzle
  1. mano
  2. polso
  3. schiena
  4. dito del piede
  5. sopracciglia
  6. pancia
  7. orecchio
  8. collo
  9. bocca
  10. anca
  11. spalla
  12. naso
  13. caviglia
  14. braccio
  15. gamba
  16. faccia
  17. labbra
  1. vita/fianchi
  2. pollice
  3. dito della mano
  4. piede
  5. pugno
  6. capelli
  7. guancia
  8. dente
  9. occhio
  10. mento
  11. ciglia
  12. fronte
  13. lingua
  14. gomito
  15. testa
  16. ginocchio
  17. polpaccio

34 Clues: manoancanasopolsopiedepugnodentementocolloboccatestagambaocchiocigliapanciafrontelinguagomitospallafaccialabbrapollicecapellischienaguanciabraccioorecchiocavigliaginocchiopolpacciovita/fianchisopraccigliadito del piededito della mano

Body Parts 2015-01-09

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. the sole
  2. the lip
  3. the cheek
  4. the fingers
  5. the tounge
  6. the leg
  7. the wrist
  8. the nose
  9. the eyes
  10. the heart
  11. the knee
  12. the palm
  13. the heel
  14. the shoulder
  15. the neck
  16. the gallbladder
  17. the kidney
  18. the pancreas
  19. the hand
  20. the toe
  21. the blood
  22. the abdomen
  23. the vein
  24. the toenail
  25. the chin
  26. the buttocks
  27. the thumb
  28. the skin
  29. the throat
  30. the waist
  31. the nerve
  32. the chest
  1. the lung
  2. the ears
  3. the muscle
  4. the artery
  5. the eyebrow
  6. the liver
  7. the brain
  8. the bladder
  9. the teeth
  10. the intestines
  11. the thigh
  12. the hip
  13. the hair
  14. the bone
  15. the skull
  16. the ankle
  17. the stomach
  18. the gums
  19. the elbow
  20. the head
  21. the eyelashes
  22. the eyelid
  23. the jaw
  24. the mouth
  25. the back
  26. the calf
  27. the forehead
  28. the throat
  29. the arm

61 Clues: the lipthe legthe hipthe jawthe toethe armthe solethe lungthe earsthe nosethe eyesthe kneethe palmthe heelthe hairthe bonethe neckthe gumsthe handthe headthe veinthe backthe chinthe skinthe calfthe cheekthe wristthe liverthe brainthe heartthe teeththe thighthe skullthe anklethe elbowthe bloodthe mouththe thumbthe waistthe nervethe chestthe muscle...

Body Parts 2015-05-25

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. 骨头
  2. 手臂
  3. 耳朵
  4. 鼻子
  5. 喉咙
  6. 头颈
  7. 手肘
  8. 手腕
  9. 手指头
  10. 肚脐
  11. 头盖骨
  12. 膝盖
  13. 腿/小腿
  1. 脚(单数)
  2. 心脏
  3. 大脑
  4. 脚趾头
  5. 肌肉
  6. 肩膀
  7. 血液
  8. 牙齿(复数)
  9. 舌头
  10. 皮肤
  11. 后背
  12. 手掌
  13. 脚踝
  14. 嘴唇

33 Clues: 心脏大脑骨头手臂耳朵肌肉鼻子肩膀血液喉咙舌头头颈皮肤手肘后背手腕手掌肚脐脚踝膝盖嘴唇脚趾头手指头头盖骨腿/小腿脚(单数)牙齿(复数)

BODY PARTS 2023-01-21

BODY PARTS crossword puzzle
  1. The hollow place under your arm where your arm joins your body.
  2. The part of the body that joins the head to the shoulders.
  3. The mass on the head of a person.
  4. One of the parts of the body that is used for standing or walking.
  5. The part of the body at the end of the arm that is used for holding.
  6. One of the two parts of the body at each side of the neck that join the arms to the rest of the body.
  7. The opening in the face of a person or animal, consisting of the lips and the space between them.
  8. Either of the two long parts of the upper body that are attached to the shoulders and have the hands at the end.
  9. The part of the face that is above the mouth, through which you breathe and smell.
  10. The middle joint of the leg that allows the leg to bend.
  11. The part of your body that is opposite to the front, from your shoulders to your bottom.
  12. Any of the five separate parts at the end of the foot.
  1. The joint between the foot and the leg, or the thin part of the leg just above the foot.
  2. The flat part of the face, above the eyes and below the hair.
  3. The rounded back part of the foot.
  4. Any of the long, thin, separate parts of the hand.
  5. The upper front part of the body, between the stomach and the neck, containing the heart and lungs.
  6. The part of your body that you sit on.
  7. The part of the body between the hand and the arm.
  8. The part of the body at the bottom of the leg on which a person or animal stands.
  9. The part of a person's face below their mouth.
  10. The part in the middle of the arm where it bends.
  11. One of the two organs in your face that are used for seeing.

23 Clues: The mass on the head of a person.The rounded back part of the foot.The part of your body that you sit on.The part of a person's face below their mouth.The part in the middle of the arm where it bends.Any of the long, thin, separate parts of the hand.The part of the body between the hand and the arm....

Body Parts 2023-02-23

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. neck
  2. tongue
  3. chest
  4. leg
  5. nose
  6. face
  7. foot
  8. ear
  9. tooth
  10. knee
  11. stomach
  12. mouth
  1. eye
  2. throat
  3. back
  4. to say
  5. finger,toe
  6. to hurt
  7. elbow
  8. heart
  9. arm
  10. hand
  11. shoulder

23 Clues: eyelegeararmneckbacknosefacefootkneehandchestelbowhearttoothmouththroatto saytongueto hurtstomachshoulderfinger,toe

BODY PARTS 2021-02-02

BODY PARTS crossword puzzle
  1. kurk
  2. lõug
  3. otsmik
  4. pahkluu
  5. vöökoht
  6. õlg
  7. sõrmed
  8. oimukoht
  9. reis
  10. varbad
  11. põlv
  12. küünarnukk
  1. kõht
  2. põsk
  3. labajalad
  4. rind
  5. ranne
  6. jalg
  7. käsivars
  8. labajalg
  9. hambad
  10. külg
  11. kukal

23 Clues: õlgkõhtkurklõugpõskrindjalgkülgreispõlvrannekukalotsmiksõrmedhambadvarbadpahkluuvöökohtkäsivarslabajalgoimukohtlabajaladküünarnukk

body parts 2020-11-13

body parts crossword puzzle
  1. it hurts when you don't like food
  2. your hand has five
  3. we taste this is
  4. where the legs bend
  5. part of the arm
  6. you can chow these
  7. it is located above the eyes
  8. yuo can catch the objects
  9. we kiss with this
  1. we smell with this
  2. you can perceive sounds
  3. where can you wear scarft
  4. we walk of these
  5. can be long or short dark or light
  6. you can walk with this
  7. you can see movies
  8. main part of human body
  9. you can wear accesories like hat
  10. you use them to give a hug
  11. this covers the body

20 Clues: part of the armwe walk of thesewe taste this iswe kiss with thiswe smell with thisyour hand has fiveyou can see moviesyou can chow thesewhere the legs bendthis covers the bodyyou can walk with thisyou can perceive soundsmain part of human bodywhere can you wear scarftyuo can catch the objectsyou use them to give a hugit is located above the eyes...

Body parts 2020-12-04

Body parts crossword puzzle
  1. підошва
  2. ніготь
  3. щиколотка
  4. спина
  5. бедро
  6. груди
  7. стегна
  8. язик
  9. рука
  10. тіло
  11. долоня
  12. вії
  13. плече
  14. палець ноги
  15. стопа
  1. шлунок, живіт
  2. шия
  3. коліно
  4. зап'ястя
  5. грудна клітка
  6. п'ята
  7. ніздря
  8. великий палець руки
  9. кисть руки
  10. палець руки
  11. живіт
  12. попа
  13. талія
  14. лікоть
  15. підборіддя

30 Clues: шиявіїпопаязикрукатілоспинап'ятабедрогрудиживітталіяплечестопаколіноніготьніздрястегналікотьдолоняпідошвазап'ястящиколоткакисть рукипідборіддяпалець рукипалець ногишлунок, живітгрудна кліткавеликий палець руки

BODY PARTS 2021-02-21

BODY PARTS crossword puzzle
  1. cou
  2. nez
  3. cheville
  4. main
  5. cil
  6. doigt
  7. poitrine
  8. ongle
  9. bouche
  10. orteil
  11. bras
  12. œil
  13. taille
  14. hanche
  1. dos
  2. épaule
  3. ventre
  4. oreille
  5. menton
  6. jambe
  7. pied
  8. sourcil
  9. genou
  10. dent
  11. lèvre

25 Clues: doscounezcilœilmainpieddentbrasjambedoigtgenouonglelèvreépauleventrementonboucheorteiltaillehancheoreillesourcilchevillepoitrine

Body parts 2021-03-29

Body parts crossword puzzle
  1. boca
  2. costela
  3. pescoço
  4. bochecha
  5. umbigo
  6. palpebra
  7. ombro
  8. bexiga
  9. peito
  10. calcanhar
  11. canela
  12. cotovelo
  13. tornozelo
  14. fígado
  15. nuca
  16. quadril
  1. coxa
  2. queixo
  3. panturrilha
  4. sobrancelha
  5. joelho
  6. rim
  7. pulso
  8. testa
  9. barriga
  10. nariz
  11. pulmão
  12. cílio
  13. olhos

29 Clues: rimbocacoxanucapulsotestaombronarizcíliopeitoolhosqueixojoelhoumbigobexigapulmãocanelafígadocostelapescoçobarrigaquadrilbochechapalpebracotovelocalcanhartornozelopanturrilhasobrancelha

Body Parts 2021-03-24

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. throat
  2. hand
  3. arm
  4. stomach
  5. nose
  6. cheek
  7. elbow
  8. lips
  9. mouth
  10. ear
  11. head
  12. fingers
  13. back
  1. waist
  2. eyes
  3. leg
  4. eyebrow
  5. eyelashes
  6. forehead
  7. knee
  8. ear
  9. face
  10. feet
  11. shoulder
  12. teeth
  13. chest
  14. neck

27 Clues: armlegeareareyeshandnosekneefacelipsfeetheadneckbackwaistcheekelbowmouthteethchestthroatstomacheyebrowfingersforeheadshouldereyelashes

Body parts 2021-07-24

Body parts crossword puzzle
  1. back
  2. arm
  3. finger
  4. mouth
  5. heel
  6. nose
  7. knee
  8. ankle
  9. armpit
  10. chest
  11. hand
  12. body
  1. wrist
  2. elbow
  3. shoulder
  4. hip
  5. head
  6. leg
  7. cheek
  8. belly
  9. hair
  10. forehead
  11. neck
  12. eyes
  13. foot

25 Clues: hiplegarmbackheadheelhairnoseneckkneeeyesfoothandbodywristelbowcheekmouthbellyanklechestfingerarmpitshoulderforehead

Body parts 2022-07-13

Body parts crossword puzzle
  1. вії
  2. ямочка
  3. гомілка
  4. зап'ястя
  5. лікоть
  6. лисий
  7. талія
  8. кучеряве
  9. зуби
  10. щиколотка
  11. риже
  12. рот
  13. лоб
  14. долоня
  1. плече
  2. вуса
  3. живіт
  4. шия
  5. ніготь на пальці на нозі
  6. зрачок
  7. щока
  8. стегно, ляшка
  9. спина
  10. язик
  11. п'ятка

25 Clues: віїшияротлобвусащоказубиязикрижеплечеживітлисийталіяспинаямочкалікотьзрачокп'яткадолонягомілказап'ястякучерявещиколоткастегно, ляшканіготь на пальці на нозі

Body parts 2022-10-26

Body parts crossword puzzle
  1. varvas
  2. jalkaterä
  3. vatsa
  4. käsivarsi
  5. käsi
  6. kasvot
  7. huulet
  8. polvi
  9. suu
  10. hiukset
  11. jalka
  1. silmät
  2. kurkku
  3. vartalo
  4. sormi
  5. poski
  6. nilkka
  7. kaula, niska
  8. selkä
  9. olkapää
  10. korvat

22 Clues: suukäsisormivatsaposkiselkäpolvijalkasilmätvarvaskurkkunilkkakasvothuuletkorvatvartaloolkapäähiuksetjalkateräkäsivarsikaula, niska

Body Parts 2016-11-10

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. When you stump your little ... it hurts a lot, even though it's so small.
  2. You play soccer with your ...
  3. When you congratulate someone you give that person a kiss on the ...
  4. The part near the end of your leg making it able to move your feet.
  5. The middle part of your body. Synonym for tummy.
  6. When someone is confused they raise an ...
  7. Used for listening (sing.)
  8. You sit on your..
  9. The upper part of your body, covering your lungs.
  10. You applaud with your...
  11. People sometimes talk behind your ...
  12. You can't stand on only one ...
  1. Clowns have a red ...
  2. Everyone's ... looks different, except with identical twins.
  3. To walk straight your pull your ... back (sing.)
  4. You have 10 of them in total.
  5. The frontside of the part between your head and the rest of your body.
  6. Common injury among tennis players.
  7. Look me in the ... when I'm talking to you!
  8. Two lovers kiss each other on the ...
  9. Used to wave.
  10. Used to talk.
  11. I got guns in my ... and they won't go. Spirits in my ... and they won't go.
  12. The backside of the part between your head and the rest of your body.
  13. The joint in the middle of your leg, making it able to bend your leg.

25 Clues: Used to wave.Used to talk.You sit on your..Clowns have a red ...You applaud with your...Used for listening (sing.)You play soccer with your ...You have 10 of them in total.You can't stand on only one ...Common injury among tennis players.Two lovers kiss each other on the ...People sometimes talk behind your ......

body parts 2018-01-29

body parts crossword puzzle
  1. нога
  2. спина
  3. нос
  4. зубы
  5. палец на руке
  6. плечо
  7. грудь
  8. глаза
  9. голова
  10. палец на ноге
  11. лицо
  12. подбородок
  13. рот
  1. губы
  2. волосы
  3. коленка
  4. язык
  5. рука
  6. ступня
  7. живот
  8. пятка
  9. локоть
  10. шея
  11. рука

24 Clues: носшеяротногагубызубыязыкрукарукалицоспинаплечоживотгрудьпяткаглазаволосыступнялокотьголоваколенкаподбородокпалец на рукепалец на ноге

Body Parts 2018-02-11

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. tangan
  2. mata
  3. kaki
  4. lutut
  5. Alis
  6. pipi
  7. Kuping
  8. wajah
  9. bibir
  10. rambut
  11. Mulut
  12. stomach
  1. dada
  2. Hidung
  3. gigi
  4. dahi
  5. leher
  6. bulu mata
  7. Lidah
  8. jari kaki
  9. pergelangan tangan
  10. lengan
  12. dagu
  13. siku
  14. ibu jari

26 Clues: dadamatagigikakidahiAlispipidagusikulututleherLidahwajahbibirMuluttanganHidunglenganKupingrambutstomachSHOULDERibu jaribulu matajari kakipergelangan tangan

Body Parts 2017-10-16

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. You can put your laptop on them
  2. The big finger
  3. Used for digestion
  4. You'll need this finger when getting married
  5. Fingers that are on your feet
  6. They can be broad or narrow
  7. Lower part of your face
  8. You can hear thanks to them
  9. You have ten of them
  10. We point to things with this finger
  11. Used for observation
  12. Some people use them to stand on when they pray
  1. A six-pack or an eight-pack
  2. You walk on them
  3. It starts from the deltoid and ends with fingers
  4. It is used for grabbing things
  5. You sit on them
  6. We wear watches on our...
  7. We can burn them and use for energy
  8. The front part of your head
  9. You can kiss your granny on the...
  10. The naughtiest finger of all
  11. Little finger
  12. If you break it, you can't walk
  13. Pointy jointment of the arm

25 Clues: Little fingerThe big fingerYou sit on themYou walk on themUsed for digestionYou have ten of themUsed for observationLower part of your faceWe wear watches on our...A six-pack or an eight-packThe front part of your headThey can be broad or narrowYou can hear thanks to themPointy jointment of the armThe naughtiest finger of all...

Body Parts 2023-05-18

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. Ayak
  2. Göğüs
  3. Çene
  4. Diz
  5. Kol
  6. El
  7. Bacak
  8. Omuz
  9. Kaç
  10. Tırnak
  11. Diş
  1. Sırt
  2. Boyun
  3. Parmak
  4. Ayak Parmağı
  5. Mide
  6. Kafa
  7. Burun
  8. Kulak
  9. Dil
  10. Saç
  11. Dudak
  12. Göz
  13. Ağız
  14. Dirsek

25 Clues: ElDizDilKolSaçGözKaçDişSırtAyakMideÇeneKafaOmuzAğızBoyunGöğüsBurunKulakBacakDudakParmakDirsekTırnakAyak Parmağı

Body Parts 2023-06-16

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. - The part of the body that connects the head to the rest of the torso.
  2. - The back part of the lower legs.
  3. - The indentation in the center of the abdomen.
  4. - The lower limbs of the body used for standing, walking, and running.
  5. - The digits on the hands used for grasping and manipulating objects.
  6. - The parts at the end of the arms with fingers used for gripping and fine motor skills.
  7. - The fleshy parts surrounding the mouth.
  8. - The outer covering of the body that protects the internal organs.
  9. - The joints in the middle of the arms that allow bending and straightening.
  10. - The area of the body where the legs attach to the torso.
  11. - The back part of the feet below the ankles.
  12. - The hollows under the arms where sweat glands are located.
  13. - The part of the face above the eyes.
  14. - The organs responsible for vision, located on the front of the face.
  15. - The joints between the fingers and the hands.
  16. - The upper part of the legs between the hips and the knees.
  17. - The opening in the face used for eating, speaking, and tasting.
  18. - The joints connecting the hands to the forearms.
  19. - The joints connecting the feet to the lower legs.
  20. - The joints in the middle of the legs that allow bending and straightening.
  1. - The fleshy parts on the sides of the face.
  2. - The hair on the edges of the eyelids.
  3. - The upper limbs of the body used for reaching, grasping, and manipulating objects.
  4. - The strands that grow from the scalp.
  5. - The hard coverings on the ends of the toes.
  6. - The hard coverings on the ends of fingers and toes.
  7. - The organ in the abdomen responsible for digestion.
  8. - The organ used for smelling and breathing, located in the center of the face.
  9. - The organs responsible for hearing, located on the sides of the head.
  10. - The joints connecting the arms to the upper body.
  11. - The upper part of the body that contains the brain, eyes, nose, and mouth.
  12. - The protruding part of the face below the mouth.
  13. - The digits on the feet.
  14. - The rear part of the body, extending from the shoulders to the waist.
  15. - The front part of the upper body between the neck and the abdomen.
  16. - The hair above the eyes.
  17. - The parts at the end of the legs used for walking and balance.
  18. - Hard structures in the mouth used for biting and chewing food.
  19. - A muscular organ in the mouth used for tasting and speaking.
  20. - The column of bones in the back that provides support and protects the spinal cord.

40 Clues: - The digits on the feet.- The hair above the eyes.- The back part of the lower legs.- The part of the face above the eyes.- The hair on the edges of the eyelids.- The strands that grow from the scalp.- The fleshy parts surrounding the mouth.- The fleshy parts on the sides of the face.- The hard coverings on the ends of the toes....

body parts 2023-06-06

body parts crossword puzzle
  1. pijnlijk
  2. schuider
  3. keel
  4. schaafwonde
  5. gehandicapt
  6. buik
  7. verbod
  8. pincet
  9. enkel
  10. verzoek
  11. diarree
  1. ernstig
  2. verplichting
  3. klacht
  4. plijster
  5. rolstoel
  6. litteken
  7. apotheker
  8. knie
  9. wenkbrauw

20 Clues: keelkniebuikenkelklachtverbodpinceternstigverzoekdiarreepijnlijkplijsterschuiderrolstoellittekenapothekerwenkbrauwschaafwondegehandicaptverplichting

Body parts 2023-06-12

Body parts crossword puzzle
  1. The part of the body that connects the head to the shoulders and contains the throat.
  2. The organ responsible for hearing and maintaining balance, located on the sides of the head.
  3. The opening in the face used for speaking, eating, and tasting food.
  4. The upper limb extending from the shoulder to the hand, used for various activities and movements.
  5. The uppermost part of the body that contains the brain and sensory organs such as the eyes, nose, and mouth.
  6. The joint connecting the upper arm to the forearm, allowing arm movement.
  7. One of the digits on the hand, used for fine motor skills and manipulation.
  8. The facial organ used for smelling and breathing, located in the center of the face.
  9. One of the digits on the foot, used for balance and propulsion while walking or running.
  10. The lower limb of the body, extending from the hip to the foot.
  1. The rear surface of the body, from the shoulders to the waist.
  2. The front part of the upper body, between the neck and the abdomen, containing the heart and lungs.
  3. The organ in the body where food is digested and stored before being passed into the intestines.
  4. The body part at the end of the arm, consisting of the palm, fingers, and thumb, used for grasping and manipulating objects.
  5. The joint connecting the upper arm to the torso, allowing arm movement.
  6. The joint connecting the foot to the leg, allowing foot movement.
  7. The joint connecting the hand to the forearm, allowing hand movement.
  8. The body part at the end of the leg, used for standing, walking, and balance.
  9. The organ responsible for vision, located in the eye socket of the skull.
  10. The joint connecting the thigh to the lower leg, allowing leg movement.

20 Clues: The rear surface of the body, from the shoulders to the waist.The lower limb of the body, extending from the hip to the foot.The joint connecting the foot to the leg, allowing foot movement.The opening in the face used for speaking, eating, and tasting food.The joint connecting the hand to the forearm, allowing hand movement....

Body Parts 2023-08-03

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. Hard parts in your mouth that help you chew food.
  2. Body parts you use to hear sounds.
  3. A muscle in your mouth that helps you taste and talk.
  4. The area where your food is digested.
  5. The rear side of your body, opposite your front.
  6. The opening where you eat, drink, and talk.
  7. The lower limbs you use to walk and run.
  8. The top part of your body that holds your brain.
  9. The front part of your upper body, where your heart is.
  10. The digits on your hands that you use to grip things.
  11. The part of your face you use to smell things.
  1. Organs you use to see things around you.
  2. The joints that allow your legs to bend.
  3. The part that connects your head to your body.
  4. The upper limbs that connect your hands to your body.
  5. The organ inside your head that controls everything.
  6. The parts at the end of your legs that you stand on.
  7. The digits on your feet, similar to fingers on hands.
  8. The parts at the end of your arms with fingers.
  9. The upper part of your body where your arms connect.

20 Clues: Body parts you use to hear sounds.The area where your food is digested.Organs you use to see things around you.The joints that allow your legs to bend.The lower limbs you use to walk and run.The opening where you eat, drink, and talk.The part that connects your head to your body.The part of your face you use to smell things....

Body parts 2023-11-14

Body parts crossword puzzle
  1. ears
  2. eyelid
  3. fingers
  4. Skin
  5. ankle
  6. foot
  7. blood
  8. throat
  9. face
  10. cheeks
  11. arm
  12. jaw
  13. brain
  14. hand
  15. chest
  16. neck
  17. nose
  18. The stomach
  1. bones
  2. forehead
  3. mouth
  4. eyes
  5. abdomen
  6. leg
  7. teeth
  8. back
  9. tongue
  10. knee
  11. lungs
  12. The hip
  13. elbow
  14. heart
  15. hair
  16. lips
  17. shoulder
  18. head
  19. chest
  20. eyebrows

38 Clues: legarmjawearseyesSkinbackkneefootfacehairlipsheadhandnecknosebonesmouthteethanklebloodlungselbowheartbrainchestchesteyelidtonguethroatcheeksabdomenfingersThe hipforeheadshouldereyebrowsThe stomach

body parts 2023-08-19

body parts crossword puzzle
  1. – zęby
  2. – głowa
  3. – skrzydła
  4. – usta
  5. – oczy
  6. – ciało
  7. – noga
  8. – uszy
  9. – szyja
  10. – ogon
  11. – palce ( u stóp)
  1. – palce ( u ręki )
  2. – nos
  3. – ząb
  4. – język
  5. – ręka
  6. – brzuch
  7. – wąsy
  8. – plecy
  9. – pazury

20 Clues: – nos– ząb– zęby– ręka– wąsy– usta– oczy– noga– uszy– ogon– język– głowa– ciało– plecy– szyja– brzuch– pazury– skrzydła– palce ( u stóp)– palce ( u ręki )

Body parts 2023-09-19

Body parts crossword puzzle
  1. back
  2. eyelashes
  3. finger
  4. body
  5. to sneeze
  6. it's necessary
  7. hand
  8. toe
  9. tongue
  10. nose
  11. ear
  12. lung
  1. to cough
  2. I'm wiped out
  3. elbow
  4. heart
  5. waist
  6. stomach
  7. mouth
  8. eye
  9. lips
  10. flu

22 Clues: eyetoefluearbackbodylipshandnoselungelbowheartwaistmouthfingertonguestomachto cougheyelashesto sneezeI'm wiped outit's necessary

Body Parts 2024-01-25

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. Se usa para comer
  2. Está debajo de labios
  3. The head sits on it
  4. Está en la boca
  5. Se usa para hablar
  6. It is next to the nose
  7. It connects the arms to the body
  8. The pants hold on to it
  9. Se usa para escuchar
  1. Se usa para oler
  2. It is above the eyebrows
  3. Está encima de el cuello
  4. Está encima de los ojos
  5. Se usa para ver
  6. Es debajo de nariz
  7. It is used to hold things
  8. It connects the hand and arm
  9. The hand is attached to it
  10. It is in the head
  11. It is on the eyelids

20 Clues: Se usa para verEstá en la bocaSe usa para olerSe usa para comerIt is in the headEs debajo de narizSe usa para hablarThe head sits on itIt is on the eyelidsSe usa para escucharEstá debajo de labiosIt is next to the noseEstá encima de los ojosThe pants hold on to itIt is above the eyebrowsEstá encima de el cuelloIt is used to hold things...

Body Parts 2024-01-25

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. Se usa para comer
  2. Está debajo de labios
  3. The head sits on it
  4. Está en la boca
  5. Se usa para hablar
  6. It is next to the nose
  7. It connects the arms to the body
  8. The pants hold on to it
  9. Se usa para escuchar
  1. Se usa para oler
  2. It is above the eyebrows
  3. Está encima de el cuello
  4. Está encima de los ojos
  5. Se usa para ver
  6. Es debajo de nariz
  7. It is used to hold things
  8. It connects the hand and arm
  9. The hand is attached to it
  10. It is in the head
  11. It is on the eyelids

20 Clues: Se usa para verEstá en la bocaSe usa para olerSe usa para comerIt is in the headEs debajo de narizSe usa para hablarThe head sits on itIt is on the eyelidsSe usa para escucharEstá debajo de labiosIt is next to the noseEstá encima de los ojosThe pants hold on to itIt is above the eyebrowsEstá encima de el cuelloIt is used to hold things...

Body parts 2024-05-12

Body parts crossword puzzle
  1. шея
  2. грудная клетка
  3. рот
  4. волосы
  5. нос
  6. палец (на руке)
  7. губа
  8. талия
  9. колено
  10. локоть
  11. желудок
  12. нога (ступня)
  13. лодыжка
  14. нога
  15. зуб
  16. палец на ноге
  17. рука
  1. глаз
  2. бровь
  3. подбородок
  4. язык
  5. щека
  6. пятка
  7. рука (кисть)
  8. губа
  9. лоб
  10. горло
  11. ухо
  12. плечо
  13. локоть
  14. голова

31 Clues: шеяротнослобухозубглазязыкщекагубагубаногарукабровьпяткаталиягорлоплечоволосыколенолокотьлокотьголоважелудоклодыжкаподбородокрука (кисть)нога (ступня)палец на ногегрудная клеткапалец (на руке)

BODY PARTS 2024-02-06

BODY PARTS crossword puzzle
  1. el pie
  2. la barbilla
  3. las piernas
  4. los dedos del pie
  5. la barba
  6. las orejas
  7. los hombros
  8. el brazo
  9. las pecas
  10. los dientes
  11. los dedos
  12. las mejillas
  1. la boca
  2. las rodillas
  3. la cabeza
  4. el estómago
  5. la mano
  6. los ojos
  7. el cuerpo
  8. la nariz
  9. el bigote
  10. la cara
  11. los labios
  12. la lengua
  13. el pelo
  14. la espalda

26 Clues: el piela bocala manolos ojosla carael pelola barbala narizlas orejasel brazolas pecaslos dedosla cabezael cuerpoel bigotelos labiosla lengualas piernaslos hombroslos dientesla espaldalas rodillasla barbillael estómagolas mejillaslos dedos del pie

Body parts 2024-08-14

Body parts crossword puzzle
  1. Probably the shortest digit in your hand
  2. The protruding part of the face below your mouth
  3. You need two of these to clap
  4. The part of your arm extending from the elbow to the wrist
  5. A name for your little finger
  6. It's between your thigh and your lower leg
  7. The part of the human leg between the hip and the knee
  8. You use them to kiss and whistle (plural)
  9. You may use this digit to point at someone
  10. An informal name for your navel (two words)
  11. The strip of hair growing above your eyes
  12. You use it to eat and talk
  13. The part at the back of your leg, below the knee
  1. The front of the leg below the knee
  2. It connects your head to the rest of your body
  3. The largest toe of the human foot (two words)
  4. Curved hairs, growing on the edges of your eyelids (plural)
  5. The joint connecting the hand with the forearm
  6. The finger on which the wedding ring is usually worn (two words)
  7. The back part of your foot
  8. You can smell with this
  9. The joint connecting the foot with the leg
  10. The joint between the forearm and the upper arm
  11. You use these for chewing food
  12. You use it for tasting, licking and articulating speech
  13. The upper part of the human body

26 Clues: You can smell with thisThe back part of your footYou use it to eat and talkYou need two of these to clapA name for your little fingerYou use these for chewing foodThe upper part of the human bodyThe front of the leg below the kneeProbably the shortest digit in your handYou use them to kiss and whistle (plural)...

Body parts 2024-03-05

Body parts crossword puzzle
  1. hand
  2. ears
  3. teeth
  4. fingers
  5. stomach
  6. chest
  7. ankle
  8. elbow
  9. body
  10. foot
  11. arm
  12. legs
  1. knees
  2. face
  3. nose
  4. chin
  5. arms
  6. tooth
  7. eyes
  8. toes
  9. shoulders
  10. eyebrows
  11. back
  12. feet

24 Clues: armfacehandnosechinearsarmseyestoesbackbodyfootfeetlegskneesteethtoothchestankleelbowfingersstomacheyebrowsshoulders